thank you to brother rick for the heads up on this one. yeah as he says below – lost for words…
Mark Elkin
Lost for words.
Polar vortex begins to split into 4 separate vortexes. Even with another little vortex starting too… could be 5 vortexes.
We are now in uncharted territory.
i have never, in all my years of doing this seen the polar vortex split into 4/5..
It’s rare enough splitting into 3..
4 is a new kind of crazy.
Sudden Stratospheric heating continues from the increasing cosmic radiation and sudden uplifts from jet streams.
What does this mean- Extreme cold coming to parts of Europe/North America, much worse than we are seeing already.
Also means jet streams will carry warm air that mixes with the cold and create low weather depressions.
Earths jet streams are all over the place.
Stay vigilant.
Thank you to all those supporting my on patreon ❤️
Learn more about how it all connects to the pole shift –
Stay vigilant.