On it goes……..1.14.25 – When will Females truly Unite?


May be a black-and-white image of text


May be an image of text


Not going to go into detail as to why I’ve chosen the above meme’s – but I will say this:  As WOMEN we are supposed to be SUPPORTING one another.  And yes, while I know I am blessed to have this with a few – I have been absolutely appalled at how many women have failed me in the support area – especially after I got specific and open in the things I have been working to change in my life this past year.  It’s mind blowing to me – the concept that another woman cannot handle hearing her fellow sister say, “this is what I need”.

I don’t get it.  I know I should let it go – but I don’t know how to atm.

This is not a competition.  Shouldn’t we women want ALL of us to thrive?  Does MY desire to thrive – in my OWN way – threaten them?

What is so threatening with the phrases “this is what I need” and “that doesn’t work for me.”

UN REAL how many women have taken issue with those two sentences alone.

I see where it’s easier to take the easy way – the spiritual ego way – by comin’ in and tellin’ ya what I should be doing – yet when I clarify: “already done that” or “that doesn’t work for me” they run.  Go silent.  ANYTHING in the bag of gaslighting techniques to keep me at arm’s length instead of forming a connection.

Even my own counselor this past week wouldn’t look me in the eye as I told her some deeply held thoughts about the system, about humanity and so much of this suffering which is fixable and unnecessary – this after she said she wanted me to know she heard me, she sees me.  As I said – no you don’t – if you did you would look me in the eye and acknowledge what I was saying with SOMETHING.  You know?  Give me a word.  SOMETHING instead of looking away and then suddenly announce time was up.  If I touch on something uncomfortable, have the decency to tell me such – especially since you are getting paid to work with me.

Spiritual Ego is HUGE out there.  Denial of truths – deep deep truths.  Cognitive dissonance of the mind and heart.  I’m over it all – talking loudly now – as the meme above says.

The right ones though – stay around.  You know who you are.  You are the gifts in my life.  And I am blessed to be meeting more in person, here locally, who get it.

Who get ME.

For now – dealing with the wounds and trying to figure out the struggle I have in letting it all go.

Here’s the world stage finds.  Difficult to figure out who is who – what timeline are we in – both playing out is all I can figure out as it makes the most sense.

Today that is.  🙄😂









Trump shared this one below (proof is in the tweet below):



T shared these on truth social:


Very interesting share…


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.