One America News Sends Cease and Desist Notices to MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and Daily Beast, Warns of Lawsuits if They Fail to Comply


i can see this may set a precedence for other alternative media outlets to sue the MSM and their ongoing slander towards anyone who doesn’t follow the cabal narrative.  could be a REAL NEWS vs. FAKE NEWS coming….



One America News has sent Cease and Desist notices and demands for retraction to Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, The Daily Beast and its reporter Kevin Poulson over their claims that the network is a “paid Russian propaganda operation.”

The notices to retract warned that if they do not comply with the conditions sent to them by August 15, 2019, they “will recommend that our client pursue all legal avenues to protect its interests, including damages and attorneys’ fees and costs incurred as a result of your actions.”


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.