One (final?) Update on my JFK Jr Dream


so i’m buzzing around twitter and come across this clock.  Q clock.  i think i may have seen it late last year??  anyway i look at the clock – it ends on 11/22 – thanksgiving – also jfk’s anniversary of his assassination.  in my dream, as i shared last week, i really felt this solid sense from jfk jr that “they” wanted this wrapped up by thanksgiving.

and as a note of interest, the ## 11:22 has been every bit as “in my face” and awareness as has 11, 44, the 7’s, etc. – and this number combo goes back almost 20 years for me.  interesting, huh?

anyway….yeah, imagine my “wow” moment when i saw this clock tonight:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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