One last share and a feeeeel


Ok now that I have had some quiet time without distraction to tune in – which is what I feel I do pretty well – yesterday I felt “death”.  I felt something was dying.  An ending.  Today, in the chaos of the anger and sadness – I am feeling like we don’t have a Home at the moment.  I feel that space between transition.  The old has definitely been left behind.  What is playing out now in DC feels like a giant illusion – a nightmare – but still an illusion.  It has no Spiritual backing.  No energy to support it.  I do not see ANY of it being played out.  I do not feel it either.  Anyway – here is the find:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “One last share and a feeeeel”

    1. Check out Dr.Charlie Ward’s site. He said the same thing. Anna von Reitz most likely can show the paperwork on it. She either is or was a judge. But check her out!

  1. I wish this were true Victoria. At this point I feel like all the stuff that was going on behind the scenes was all psyop and intended to distract us until the cabal was back in power.

    1. Just hold on Gary – there are things going on behind the scenes as they always have been. This ain’t over – energetically (which is what I “do”) – these energies do NOT support a Byedumb admin. The old matrix system/energies are DONE. GONE. We have NEW here. Tune in to that – it’s there for all to feel. 🙂

  2. YES. I can confirm the *feel.* Same here. The old is GONE. It’s been emptied out and left behind like it was sitting still. I can’t even access old emotions or feelings about my own past, let alone the bigger picture or negative timelines – it’s just not THERE. It’s a big blank space. I think this happened yesterday sometime. (Totally not complaining! The depression disappeared! 😁)

    What I’m sensing: There’s been a massive split. Past tense. Whatever track we chose – we’re on it and the doors are locked and we’re moving fast. I don’t know if you’ve ever ridden the monorail at Disney but the feeling I get is like that, like the opening up around you and dropping off underneath sensation when you leave a platform and start speeding up. I resonate with the events as you outlined them, 💯, but the *feel* I get is that the “train” is not going to stop for us to see them – we’ll see them thru the “window” while we’re actively zipping right by. At least those of us who chose this train. I’m sorry if that made no sense, but that’s how I see it in my head. 💁🏻‍♀️ I think what we see now is entirely based on our choice point and the choice has already been made, everyone is locked in and moving on their respective “trains” until we hit our destinations. What you see is what you chose, but it’s all just scenery because we’ve already split. Buh-bye! 🥳👋 This feels extremely GOOD. I actually feel excited. So, for whatever that’s worth! 💞✨ Until we get there, “Please keep clear of the doors! Por favor, mantengase alejado de las puertas!” 🛤️🚝 And enjoy the ride! 🤓👍

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