editor’s note: given what i am reading (and feeling myself) many are being guided to prepare NOW…although maybe prepare is not the best word. tune in and welcome and allow is, in my best feel, a good way to be in that prepared state…i am trying to feeeeeel out some clarity here – the idea of “time” – and the idea as stated below that it takes from october 2018 to january 2019 to “get” to new earth – although it feels like it happens in an instant. if we ARE in a dreamlike state – slowly waking up out of that experience – to our old human it could feel like up to 3 earthly months to “get” to the new….and yet to the Fullness of who we REALLY are – it could feel like a BAM! instant. kinda like the concept some say that when we leave our bodies and return “home” our Soul allegedly feels no “time” has passed…..and two electron’s can also be in different locations at the same time…….aye aye aye……i hope that makes sense – it’s something i can see and feel more – a sensing within that i cannot explain well w/my limited brain….plus it’s late and i am off to bed…..
Christina Papageorgiou shared a link.
Here is an excerpt of one lady’s vision
There was a “pop/compression breakthrough” to get us to New Earth. Things had been compressing and building up on the 3D side and then BAM! we were in New Earth. Although, it may not have felt like a BAM!
It took from October 2018 to January 2019 to go to NEW EARTH. On some level it felt quick like a BAM! Something not of 3D reality made the breakthrough happen.
(Hmmmm I have noticed that our beloved Tina Hammond loves to use the word BAM!! Coincidence??? Me thinks not! BAM and there we are!)
She also said “we all worked together like pie pieces to make the whole work” tingles Tina – PI makes it work!!! – more on that in a later post!!
3 months ago (edited)
I just did this meditation 3 times (to keep seeing more each time) and will likely do it more. I had white equine legs! and a luminous/light upper body with only 4 fingers on each hand. A few more people were there each time I did the meditation but many people had not transitioned from 3D earth yet.
Hgrated/acclimated yet and were still “setting up/creating” NE. Everyone looked the same but said they felt healthy and blissful. Even very overweight people felt healthy and could fly, etc. We were not very interested in eating and didn’t need to but could manifest and eat whatever food we wanted if we wanted to enjoy something.
I lived in an eclectic dome made of “space-like” metal and materials on the outside and more earthy materials on the inside (about 2 stories tall with just the one room) with my twin flame and 2 other couples. We floated up to our beds coming out from the walls near the second story area. We did not need to sleep but still wanted to at this early stage of being here on New Earth. We also manifested nighttime together because we still wanted to experience it at this time. There were 2 suns.
Animals were there and we could communicate by feeling them (similar to how a lot of people do on 3D earth) and we and aminals helped one another as needed. Same with the plants; we helped each other. Trees were more helpful to us than us to them. They were kind of taking care of us for now. ETs were here, some physical but many in light forms and all were helping to “set up” New Earth.
We spent our time exploring our new abilities and enjoying New Earth. We lived amongst the tall trees and near meadows. We also spent a lot of time working with shimmery, glassy, rainbow light portals (I saw one on the side of a tree) that connected us to 3D earth and those still there. We would send energy and communications to them and they would “channel” us. That is, those who could and would therfore be helping themselves and others raise their vibration to also eventually come to New Earth…almost like generations of people arriving here on NE from 3D, but it didn’t take as long as a generation lasts; people were arriving often. Then once those people arrived on NE, others on 3D earth would take over on that end, and so on. NE and 3D people worked together to help move every one over to NE.
Everyone in NE was also self sustainable, but we did rely on one another. Everyone had strengths that were needed and everyone had areas where they needed others, so we all worked together like pie pieces to make the whole work.
There was a “pop/compression breakthrough” to get us to NE. Things had been compressing and building up on the 3D side and then BAM! we were in NE. Although, it may not have felt like a BAM! It took from October 2018 to January 2019 to go to NE. On some level it felt quick like a BAM! Something not of 3D reality made the breakthrough happen.
I don’t know how long I had been there; time is not really a thing there, so I couldn’t say really. We arrived with healed bodies and that happened during the BAM! We are able to get cuts and things on NE but we can heal them very quickly either with our minds or with technology we have here. Many of the ETs are assisting us in learning our new abilities.
Thank you so much for this meditation! I plan to do it again when I am in a better mood and hope to get even more info, may even be different info.
WOW!! How inspiring and exciting, enjoy your meditation and please share your experiences, visions and insights with our GROUNDCREW!
Namaste Christina