Exhaustion coupled with g/i distress followed by a plethora of tears has left me with the feel of WHEW!
I was engaging in an online discussion last night about money and all of the suffering caused by the monetary system. It was very helpful to my heart to hear such resonating thoughts as far too often I have heard the phrase “suffering is self-caused” as though you can take the experience, place it into one little box of a definition and be done with it.
However…lol…I experienced something triggering last night when I was told the reason why I have struggled with money is because I and people like myself are not meant to have money as money is what has caused the problems most of us face. We do not need to solve these situations with money, I was told. And this was coming from those who were saying they want to see an end to all suffering now.
Ok then…
I sat with that message last night, went to bed and awoke with the sudden need to purge a lot of stuff. Which I did.
I rejoined the conversation and said ok now – yes I agree we need to do away with the current model of money and how it is used to control. I have seen that and felt this since I was in my early 20’s – and this was during the 80’s “me me me decade” so I was most definitely NOT in good company with those thoughts at the time.
So ok then…we can agree to a new system. Yes yes yes. However what about NOW?! Wouldn’t giving money to the person who is homeless and cannot afford to pay for rent fix that problem and end that suffering? Wouldn’t giving money to the person who needs medical care and/or healing help that is not covered by insurance remedy that problem and end that suffering? I was blunt – and angry at this point. I do not take well when someone first says we must end suffering now but no money is not the answer when in this NOW moment in this NOW time (which is where we are being guided to BE, right??) – with money still being the tool used in this NOW moment for housing and food and healing – wouldn’t money help people in this NOW moment?
Good goddess of all that is good and decent and kind – YES IT WOULD.
Can I now reach up into the clouds of blindness and pull some of these lightworkers down to reality?
You make others invisible to you when you see the suffering, then see what can help but then push the help away because it isn’t of my spiritual caliber.
My goddess ~ I am one of THE go-to people when it comes to my distaste and total lack of resonance as to this monetary control system. And yet I am also grounded enough, practical enough, open with my eyes and heart to know – if the money is there to help someone you frigging GIVE IT TO THEM. Save the spiritual preaching for another time.
Love Helps Now.
That is all for now. I have some more purging to do and a park to visit with the one person in my life who knows what Love is and Does. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
Thank you for supporting me and my work. It keeps me going!
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Amen Sister!!