We Each Are Owning Our Stairway To Heaven


Couple of things.

One ~ this most beautiful song of all time has been on my mind and in my heart daily, hourly at times.

Two ~ sitting outside on this rather hot day (some of us melt when it gets much above 82), I glanced over at my mate.  “I have all these new readers and nothing to say today.”

Ah, famous last words, Victoria.

Awhile later I am inside engaged in some mindless activity ~ making the bed ~ and the terms “spiritual maturity” and “discernment” go through my mind.  I pause and wait for the story to come.  It always does so I go grab my digital voice recorder I have learned to always keep handy and begin speaking the flow of words that inner part of me that is remembering wishes to share.

Something about others saying “Be spiritually mature.  Use your discernment” bothers me.  I realized something.  Using discernment and being discerning is not about spiritual “maturity” (whatever that really means anyway) but more about survival in these lower dimensional times/experiences.

I was taken, again, back to that physical incarnation experience I have termed “Lemuria” only because I do not have any other words.  It was that experience, the last I believe, where we lived in true high frequency resonance with ourselves, one another and with our environment and surroundings.  To cause harm to another was not part of our Being.  We saw one another as we saw ourselves ~ Source.  Pure.  To harm another would mean to harm ourselves as we each “saw” the energy that binds us all and when creating harm or disconnect, we Intuitively knew it would lower the frequency for us all.

All lived in this manner.  Therefore, discernment was not necessary. It is quite possible we were not imprinted with this tool, not as we are in this Now experience that is.  And this is me defining discernment as the ability to ascertain truth when picking through experiences of possible lies, deception and lower vibrational frequency information and behaviors.

Naive perhaps ~ not needing discernment?  Who cares.  It’s what I experienced and I believe there is truth to be found in the energies of naivety.

This explains why, in part, we were conquered and altered.  I have written of this before so I have no desire to share my perspective on this one again.  What I will add though was that this was a level of harm that was completely foreign to us.

As we return to our State of Source Energy, via remembering, releasing, healing and all that, we will have that energetic imprint into our Soul of discernment.  And I have a feeling that will carry with us for all experiences to come, ensuring we do not get “fooled” again.

As I listen to Stairway to Heaven I hear messages of ascension, of alchemy, or purity and naivety.  Like this “lady who’s sure”, we are each building our own Stairway to Heaven, in our own way.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.