Preparing to Go Home


I woke up feeling guided to write about the topic of exiting this realm, returning home.  New Earth.  Real planets.  I was inspired last night after watching Linea’s latest to begin focusing on that and what I can do to assist with the process.

As I had this feeling this morning, I thought about recent conversations with others and how, overall, most of my conversations leave me feeling empty, wanting more.  I had this vision of a monopoly board.  I feel my experience as one of having played monopoly for a long long time and while others are still sitting at the board, fully engaged, I don’t want to play anymore.  It’s that simple.

So what can I do?

Go within as much as I can.

Slow down in all that I do.

Make fully conscious, aware choices.  (as much as I can do while still in this realm/field ~ that has been my biggest challenge)

Trust my intuition.

Listen to my body.

Close my eyes and feel from my heart.

Know when I am triggered and am stuck in mind stories.

Yeah, I still got some work to do w/the above steps….

Then, my next step is to begin imagining what I am going to experience when the veil is removed.  Play around with that.  Feel it.

What will I do?

What will I see?

Begin imagining what I will see and do.

I heard a great description of this.  Our re-united Self will know what to do. It will be like it has been in this realm.  We wake up from a dream, get up, use the restroom, make a meal, etc.  We just already know what to do.

Only with this upcoming transition, I feel and know the experience will be much more meaningful.  Fully aware.

And what else?

Fully FREE.

Love is Free.

Free is love.

It’s a good thing.

Imagine that!

I am.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.