President of Haiti Assassinated


THIS.  When I see sheot like this I scream “We are winning?  REALLY?  We are getting our @sses kicked!”  It is collective – at least among those of us who are REALLY awake.  This new level of D O N E.  I’m still seeing some new ager types claiming all we need is love to melt away the evil here.  insert HUGE eye roll…..  They appear to feel amazing and don’t see any of this playing out.  Must be nice to have ones head up ones @rse so high, it blinds them and blocks their heart frequency from FEELING what’s really going on and blocking their vision from SEEING the same.  This isn’t about perception.  It’s about SEEING and FEELING WITHOUT DENYING what is so obvious now.  

One last question – if all of these parasites are really being hauled away and executed – why aren’t we seeing their names in headlines like this one?  And don’t say optics.  We are long PAST having to do any “optics” for the normies.  This is just heart-wrenching….

Rest in Power Pres. Jovenel Moise – Moving Past the Hurt & Pain Staying Focused on 5D

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “President of Haiti Assassinated”

  1. Is there a hidden dimension of humanity?
    Why are there so many “bots” running amok, acting as though everything is just so fine that there is no need to be concerned about current events? Well, here is a possible explanation: see: Q&A with Laura Knight-Jadczyk — Organic Portals
    and Organic Portals – Soulless Humans [excerpt] “Some sources that talk about a Shift or Transformation occurring in our age also mention a “splitting” of humanity and that not everyone is going to wake up. The main reason for this can be found in a very interesting issue this planet faces and which has been written about in various esoteric teachings as well as transmitted through certain channeled material. It relates to two different “races” or “humanities” coexisting on earth, alike from the outside, but unlike in the inside.” [continued]

    1. yes! thank you – the only explanation i have for those who think everything is fine – nothing to be concerned about. those who just don’t SEE. i keep saying “they just aren’t human”. human as we define it. whew…..

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