President Trump seeking FDA Approval for Oleander as a potential treatment for COVID


editor victoria’s comment ~ my hunch – this is one of this “therapeutics” he has been speaking of for awhile.  we knew hydroxy was just the start of many safe and effective treatments for all disease.  of course finding a positive article on this latest development is, well, impossible (i have not found one yet) so i am sharing the least biased i could find as well as an article touting the health benefits of this plant found in nature.  and at this point, unlike what other news outlets are suggesting, he simply says he has heard of it and is looking into it (as well as other therapeutics).  good lord the hatred towards this man is unreal….lol…he will release the cure for cancer and people will still refuse to take it because he supports it….


Video: Donald Trump ‘wants FDA to approve oleander plant extract as a drug to cure Covid-19’ after it was promoted by Ben Carson and MyPillow founder – despite no proof that it works.

President Donald Trump discusses the possibility of oleander plant extract being used as a drug to fight Covid-19 and whether he ‘wants FDA to approve’ the extract.


Oleander flower(kanagale flower): 10 Amazing Health benefits

Properties of Oleander flower

There are many properties of Oleander which are listed below-

  • It has been discovered that the root, skin, and seeds contain glycosides.
  • As a fact; all the parts of the plant is poisonous; mostly it is used externally but in the case of internal treatment it used to be used under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
  • It regulate kapha and vata; hence promotes digestion.
  • This very plant is cool in nature.
  • It acts as a blood purifier and is antipyretic in nature.
  • The red flower of the same species becomes toxic when given in large quantity.

For Contagious diseases

  • In case of any kind of monsoonal/contagious disease, massage with oil of its leaves.
  • It prevents the growth of micro-organisms that cause such diseases.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.