A Psychic Confirms The Message I Received Last Week About “In 6 days…”


I just happened upon this on my social media page.  I’m rather floored at the moment as the synchronicities are amazing.  First the reference that by the 18th/19th we will be in alignment with our Galactic Center.  About 10 years ago I first heard we would be returning to our Original Home – the galactic center.  I have “known/felt” in my body for the past 2 years or so that we have been moving, are being moved, back to our Original place next to the real sun – our galactic central sun.  As some of you recall, several days ago I awoke to hearing “in 6 more days you will no longer be here”.  I was not sure if that meant I return to original earth (I am liking that term better than new earth) or that we, this realm we are on, would be fully shifted. Perhaps a bit of both.  For the past few weeks, I have been telling my mate we are getting ready to find that sweet parking space and park.  For good.  I can FEEL that energy in my body.  I have used the reference of Jodie Foster in Contact – when she’s in the pod – and the sound that the pod makes as it is gearing up to travel via the worm hole to Vega.  I can “hear” that sound in my body and “feel” that it will speed up until the shift.  The final parking. So how wild is it to see that same reference in the movie being used in the piece below.  My mate frequently says “We’re good to go.  We’re good to go…”

Oh, and btw, I am a Capricorn.

We are going home.  She and her intuitive friends say the 18/19, I say the 12/13.  Who cares.  We are almost home.  Enjoy the read below and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Much love…


Lucia René

9 hrs

I normally take the month of December off, but this December seems to be different. I’m committed to much energetic work for the planet this month and am breaking my normal December silence to give you a head’s up…

I’ve been working with a few other psychics. We’re watching a developing situation closely. It would appear that we are preparing for a planetary event, starting more or less around the 18th or 19th of December where the Earth will align with the Galactic Center.

The result of going through this momentous transit will be the realization of what so many of us have been working for, for so many years.

Nothing to fear here. If you’ve done your spiritual homework, you’ll well prepared for the physical splitting of the worlds that looms just over a week ahead of us. Since 2002, I’ve done my best to implement my dharmic assignments and hand off as much of my knowledge as possible. Now, it’s up to each of us to align with what is highest and best for our soul’s blueprint.

Two old sailing terms come to mind that have steered many a sailor through turbulent waters:
“All hands on deck.”
“Steady as she goes.”

Rather than outline the situation here, I’m going to suggest delving into some material and doing your own intuitive research.

I found a very interesting astrological article by Denise Le Fey of HighHeartLife written back in June 2017.

Excerpt: “…Another of these related 2017 Separation of Worlds clues for me was realizing that transiting Saturn will make its last conjuntion to the GC [Galactic Center] in November and December of this year, and then, two days before the December Solstice, Saturn enters Capricorn (joining transiting Pluto there). These two astrological events will have an extra potent impact on the Separation of Worlds that’s taking place already. Physical reality will enter a compressed period of tremendous physical changes, some with the potential to scare the pants off the stout of heart, while, simultaneously, it all just unfolds like the great Divine evolutionary event all this…actually is…”

Those of us working together have found the info in the above article to be spot on. The full text is here:

Another astrological article, which lays out the December influences is by Simone Matthews of UniversalLifeTools.

We have found the diagrams in this article especially helpful for visualizing what is about the occur. The full text is here:

I’d also like to suggest that you watch the 1997 film, Contact with Jodie Foster, paying special attention to 2 things:
1) The “security” chair they construct for her to sit in, inside the space capsule, that was not part of the original Vega star design (which symbolizing our remaining control issues)
2) Her experience of 18 hours, outside of time, where she enters a higher dimensional world

For all of those in my sphere, who have tapped into my field over the years, I’m sending each of you all of my love and support. Let’s unstrap our seat belts and melt into the ride of our lives.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side where we’ll commence, after many long years of preparation, to finally begin creating a New World.

Best wishes,

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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