I can feel/align with many of the things she is saying (not all though).  For the love of Source – ALL is there for ALL to see – IF one wants to search and at this point it simply angers me deeply that these sleepers are still slumbering away in front of CNN, Public Broadcast filth, etc. etc..  I feel she is seeing both sides of that “chess board”.  All of the remaining DS outlets – China, Australia…..Judges…..Ships/boats (“watch the water”?)…. the  Super Bowl – interesting given how 17 refers to Super Bowl…….DOD…..”it’s going to be ok” – which is why I still have my sign in my window “Everything is going to be ok”……..Impeachment – who cares if Trump gets impeached again – it means nothing as this is happening in the seized Corporate Property of D.C. (which is why the Senate is suddenly pushing Independent State Status for D.C.)………..Two things at the same time – which is interesting……….I would say that these “two things” are the timelines for GOOD/TRUTH and the timeline for EVIL which as know LOVE WINS as both battle out……….I do love the people rejoicing – hugging one another – looking up to the Sky…..”Sky Event”?  March/April…..

One thing I noticed that was missing – the end of the corporation and the birth and return of the Republic and the swearing in of DJT AS the President of the legitimate Government.

These “stock up” for food shortages – I just won’t “feed” that narrative for THAT is what THEY want and if Patriots are in control – overall – well I just don’t see food shortages now.  They continue to push this – all last year – during the elections, etc.  So as I said my feel – she is seeing both narratives which both ARE in that ethereal outer realm playing out.  And I want to add the thought I always do – channeled information in this matrix can be and often is compromised.  Sharing though as I feel there is good information to digest and reflect upon.  As always – focus on what YOU want to see here.  The game isn’t what it once was.  Our “playing” ability is more powerful than ever.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.