Putting The Pieces of the Puzzle Together


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Puzzle, Heart, Light, Luck, Puzzles

The last 48 hours have guided me to several videos showing very interesting and unusual occurrences.  I linked two of them last night on the site.

  1. The launch of NASA’s Sofia, which only gets launched when something big needs monitoring.  I read today where she is monitoring the sunset/sunrise. Those of us following the trajectory of the sun know she is quite off (as is the moon).  MrMBB333 just released a video on this as of this writing, which you may check out here: https://youtu.be/coC3P0sR1p8
  2. A massive armada of aerial data balloons were launched.
  3. A very interesting and very large “pulse” – showed up on some ground instruments on a meteor monitoring site which coincidentally appeared around the same time as the pulse of energy in the description in #4, below.  Here’s the link to this one: https://youtu.be/Eqyqsez6ti0
  4. The latest pulse of energy (which looks like scalar waves, perhaps microwaves) seen coming out of Anarctica headed towards, interestingly enough, Tiksi, Russia (where the unusual heliplot reading has been ongoing for weeks.  Coincidence?).  Of note, the signal at Tiksi has changed in the last 2 weeks, the main signal switching from left to right. Here’s the link to this one: https://youtu.be/ikb96Ri1CxY
  5. AND…lol…(i knew there was a reason for me to wait on posting this one) …today the same pulse of energy referenced above in #4 seen 24 hours ago in the Pacific is now showing up in the Atlantic. Here’s the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqkOm260BHA

My analysis of this ~ we have more or less a competition going on, although I do not play the duality game anymore.  The scalar waves being the weapons of choice of the last ditch attempts by the dark to stop our Transformation.  But I will tell you this ~ NO ONE or NO THING can stop Source and the Power Of Our Unity.  Enough of us have awakened to bring this Transformation about.  Tiksi could be one of the Sacred areas in the world sending out Energies of Source Origins (returning us to how we were some 25,000 years ago – a number I have repeatedly received in meditations and the like for over 10 years).

Along the lines of Tiksi, Russia, reading Lisa Brown’s piece last night where she talks about our ability to manifest whatever we need immediately brought to mind the book Anastasia (book 1 of the Ringing Cedars Series) by Vladimir Megre.  I had not heard of it until it started “coming” to me in weird, random experiences about a year ago.  As I have mentioned before, this book is based on a true story/account (to which the author attests to repeatedly – stating “everything I have written in these books I either heard from Anastasia, or saw and experienced myself.”) The books share the experience he had with a woman who calls herself “Anastasia” whom he met in the Siberian taiga of Russia in 1995.  She is fit, very healthy and lives off the land.  In fact, the people of that region, who are said to be a part of a very ancient tribe, according to the author, live very long lives and look much younger than their physical human age. Anastasia always has plenty to eat, shelter and she has complete trust the Universe/Source will always provide for everything she needs.

She has not been corrupted by doubt.  Or forgetfulness.  She has retained the knowledge of Who She Is.  Who we ALL are.

I have wondered since picking it up, what’s the message for me?  For Humanity?  Why did the Universe keep putting that book in my path?

So last night after reading Lisa’s piece, for some reason Anastasia came to mind and her ability to have all of her needs provided for, easily.  Imagine all of us doing this?  This is our Natural Ability.

There seems to be a special energy to this region.  Reading the book has left me with the strong impression that much like Anastasia, the energy of this region has been kept pristine and pure ~ the way we all once were. The Ringing Cedar trees were given their name due to their age (over 500 years old) and the idea that given their age, their energy accumulates over time thus giving out a “ringing” sensation.  How far does this “ringing” travel, I have wondered.

I keep wondering if there is a connection between the Ringing Cedars and their energy emanation and the powerful Tiksi heliplot signal?  It’s a distance of around 1000 miles given what I have ascertained, so it may be a bit of a stretch but it is something that keeps coming to me: There is a connection.

Seeing this strong heliplot signal in Tiksi, that doesn’t even alter when a strong earthquake has appeared, (according to my following of the heliplots), which continues to emanate week after week, and now within the last 24 hours has been targeted by a scalar-type wave emanating from the Antarctic tells me certain individuals want this signal altered, maybe shut off. Perhaps it’s because too many people have noticed it?

Or perhaps it’s due to something else.  Let’s say this signal has something to do with this incoming pulse energy wave so many of us are waiting for and anticipating?  Could this location be a holding point?  Or the source origin?

I don’t know.  I’m just trying to understand and put it together.  My mind wants proof, you know?

And yet Lisa’s words, “Linear mindsets need physical proof to believe, focus on a physical thing to see,” are comforting to me as I share this piece.  My heart and Higher Self share these insights and observations while my mind says “prove it”.  This stops me from sharing things at times on this site.

But not tonight.  I literally feel called to share these words so together, maybe we can feel this thing out.  For now, this is what I have.

As I shared tonight on my facebook page (I really put myself out there in a way never before done on my f/b page): gridworkers/keepers/lightworkers whatever you refer yourself to ~ putting myself out there risking looking like a fool to all of the other people in my life who don’t follow this same/similar journey ~ it is IMPERATIVE that right now we ALL intend for this Energy Pulse – DAILY. i have seen it. i have felt it. i have dreamed it. it has been prophesied and for whatever reason(s) i am a part of it (which totally tweaks my left-brain self). at the moment i am writing up a piece on this in more detail which i will share later but let’s just say the system controllers are doing all they can to stop this or get their hands on it or distract the masses – who knows. in the last 24 hours they have launched sophia as well as over 60,000 balloons (in highly densely populated regions interestingly enough) as well as a very strong pulse signal showing up (i feel it could be HAARP) in russia targeting the tiksi russia area (which as my followers know – i have been monitoring that heliplot station for weeks now – it has been showing highly unusual signals, almost like sacred geometry – and this signal output has not stopped – totally unheard of). something wonderful and beautiful and sacred is going on – those of us on this path know this and feel this – and now it is time to STEP UP and intend for this Moment.  intend for this incoming energy.  we are the anchors.  i know we aren’t alone – but we ARE a part of this transformation. chosen? i’d say volunteered. my higher self is literally kicking me in the ass to share this – so i am. (which means if you have an issue with these words i have shared – take it up with her. lol) please feel free to share too.

You too may share wherever you so feel inclined.  And please, let me know your observations and perceptions on what you feel and see happening. My social media page is full the past 2 days of people on this awakening journey all saying the same thing ~ this Transformational event is just *right* there.  Something one can feel within the cells ~ as though they are now awakening along with the rest of our Being.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.