Puzzle Piecing/Rabbit Holing/Sleuthing: Mel Gibson


So ya’ll know one of my “things” is to figure out who is playing who.  Someone tagged me in a telegram group with the following video, which I also shared on my telegram group.  Check it out:


I remember seeing Mel on helicopters (or maybe it was an airplane) with the Punisher hat on in the last couple of years.  He’s been connected to Trump the past 8 years or so.  (btw the two below come from a Gibson fan page – still interesting stuff to be found):


Interview (just to show his body language and hand use):

Hacksaw Ridge | Mel Gibson Interview on GMA – YouTube


And this one – the one I put out to the Universe today I wanted to find.  TY.  Interesting it came out in ’98 which is a year I felt, even at the time, something happened to either start the end or get us closer.  JFK Jr had his plane crash the next year, princess diana that car crash in ’98.  John Denver in ’97.


Donald Trump Has a Message for Mel Gibson – Newsweek

Trump posted to his social media platform Truth Social on Tuesday about the upcoming election. He shared a meme to his account that had a photo of a clean-cut Gibson with the text “Me voting for Trump in 2016” alongside a photo of Gibson from the film Braveheart with the accompanying text “Me voting for Trump in 2024.” Trump captioned the post: “Either way, Mel Gibson is GREAT!”


Some photos (the dude on the left is Mel):



He did get pumped up in recent years – don’t know the date of the pic on the right – but just sharing to show his muscle potential when he lifts weights….


Then there’s his height.  Does he wear lifts?  How tall is he really (whoever is behind RFK is 6′)?  This video is interesting.

Mel Gibson’s Height is a Wild Ride! – YouTube

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Puzzle Piecing/Rabbit Holing/Sleuthing: Mel Gibson”

  1. I’m totally all ears and eyes when it comes to doppelgängers. And yet-the RFK, jr similarities are a stretch por moi for a variety of reasons. What we do not know for certain has to do with the optics of events via the “screens” which are reporting images as ‘reality.’ Mel was born in Australia. I’ve been tracking him since the days of Mad Max. He is a patriot in the sense that he upholds the values of human sovereignty and freedom. As for RFK, jr–his record speaks for itself. He was speaking about vaccine safety long before the CV pLandemic. I do appreciate the videos you’ve posted of Mel nonetheless. His report on H’wood rings a few bells for me–having lived out there in the 80’s. I chose not to pursue a career due to the bad vibes. A long story… pax

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