Puzzle Piecing (some really good piecing imho) on the upcoming Super Nova ~ and other finds ~ 8.29.24



All possible timelines lead to the same basic space in the future….My main go-to video for information as to what’s coming……….which no one or no thing can stop.  VERY good reminder not to buy into the fear – WE ARE THE CREATORS.  Interesting reference to “game”.











Latest article (5 days ago) on the BOOM:

A nova explosion may soon be visible in the night sky. Here’s where and when to look | PBS News


Here’s an interesting tidbit of information.  Northern Crown…..

T CrB is a binary star system in the constellation Corona Borealis, also known as the Northern Crown. The two stars in the system rotate around each other every 227 days.

Some biblical information too:

The REAL Story In The Stars Part 11: Corona Borealis, The Northern Crown. – Emmaus Road Ministries



And then there’s Cody Rhodes who has been referring to himself as The North Star – and zoom in – the other symbol is The Punisher………And remember astronomer’s say once this thing goes Nova, it will be as bright as The North Star.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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