Q Posts ~ 6/17 and 6/18





Public learned today.
What must be finished?
Why still employed?
LP released after…..
PS will be released after…..
Just because something isn’t public doesn’t mean…. [DOJ texts / emails] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/apr/20/trump-cia-firing-intelligence-community-white-house
C_A down [19] this year alone.
When will records be unsealed?
SHOCK AND AWE. Projection.
Attack POTUS Foundation (acting NY AG (told)).
CF Foundation [Nightmare Awake] [slush fund / children].
Claim: Politcal attack re: case against POTUS.
POTUS & Russia.
HRC Hussein etc & Russia.
Claim: Political attack re: case against POTUS.




>>1790208 Snopes is run by the left, anything but impartial fact checkers. The More they attack Q the stronger WE become….
Review lawsuit.
Review GoFundMe plea.
Review financial disclosure.
Review formation date.
Review initial investor(s).


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Q Posts ~ 6/17 and 6/18”

  1. The Exact location of Q’s Barcelona Pic is:
    (where photographer was standing) 41.411925, 2.151907
    Here is a google screen shot:
    Now compare to this actual photo of the spot from an angle ON THE GROUND (not from 500 feet up)
    by unknown photographer (before the Green #Qanon was there)
    The arrows and notations I drew on the above pic are:
    The lower far left arrow points to the exact location of the wall where the Q Barcelona pic was taken although before the #Qanon was written in Green on it and before the other writing which says: Solidarite’ Black Tri(A)ngle then has a 2 with the tail crossing a 7 or possibly an Uppercase Q with tail crossing a 7.
    The site is: Turo’ de les Tres Creus (Catalan not Spanish) Hill of the three crosses. (There are three crosses just behind and UP the hill from the site of the Q photo. The Roof of the building (far right lowest row of arrows) on a street called Portal the building is the Block of Ghosts.. or Los Blokes Fantasma a venue for lots of Punk music including one you can search on YouTube called BOOM. !! with the very next video being MOLOCH. hmmm. The large b/w writing on the roof says:
    Okupa Y Resista (A) (occupy and resist) with the (A) being an antifa / or anarchist symbol a scrawled A in a circle which you’ll also find in the black graffiti on the wall in the Q photo.
    The other buildings with arrows in this first image are the German Consulate, A natural gas company whose building is in the shape of a GUN which is at the END of a long wide blvd. that has the ARCH of TRIUMPH or Arc de Triomf (Catalan not Spanish) and to the right of that is The El Salvadoran embassy.
    here is the original (top part only) of the Q posted pic showing arrows to specific buildings which match another google image directly following this one:
    and another google image showing matching view of buildings in Q photo:
    (sorry for the quality I couldn’t get google to smooth the 3-d rendering.)
    In this 500 feet elevated view you can’t really see the Los BLokes Fantasma building which has a misplaced Google marker that says: Sant Josep de la Muntanya (St. Joseph of the Mountain)

    1. damn, good work! thank you for sharing! if it’s ok w/you i will cut and paste and share this as an article as i don’t know how many of my readers will see this.

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