editor’s notes: this is really getting deep and dark. the choice to know will be ours. for me i feel i have gone as “far” as i wish to go regarding how sick these entities have been/are. they have been exposed ~ i trust they will be handled/are being dealt with. other than that, there are some things i do not need to know. far too much trauma already.
interesting hypocrisy. bill maher compares a michele bachman to a character of planet of the apes. that is allowable. roseanne does it, gets fired.
nice little list of dems and repubs not seeking re-election or outright resigning. let’s now put to rest this ridiculous notion Q is about promoting the republican party. nonsense. it’s about exposing lies and corruption and pure evil behaviors.

Anonymous ID: 004216 No.2563815
The choice to know will be yours.


Do you believe in coincidences?
TRUTH to power.

Anonymous ID: ba1be4 No.2559940
ClipboardImage.png >>2559930
haha thats why i added it in there.the hypocrisy is unreal


These people are SICK!
You people are a DISEASE.
We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE.

State Dept [HRC]>>Eric Schmidt>>Lisa Shields


Bill Paxon.
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

John Dowd.

Melissa Laurenza


[Not Updated]
Not seeking re-election.
Bob Corker – Republican
Jeff Flake – Republican
Orrin Hatch – Republican
No Name – Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster – Republican
Bob Goodlatte – Republican
Carol Shea-Porter – Democrat
Charles W. Dent – Republican
Darrell Issa – Republican
Dave Reichert – Republican
David Trott – Republican
Dennis Ross – Republican
Edward Royce – Republican
Elizabeth Esty – Democrat
Frank LoBiondo – Republican
Gene Green – Democrat
Gregg Harper – Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – Republican
Jeb Hensarling – Republican
Jim Bridenstine – Republican
Joe Barton – Republican
John Delaney – Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. – Republican
Lamar Smith – Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez – Democrat
Lynn Jenkins – Republican
Niki Tsongas – Democrat
Paul Ryan – Republican
Rick Nolan – Democrat
Robert Brady – Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen – Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen – Democrat
Ryan Costello – Republican
Sam Johnson – Republican
Sandy Levin – Democrat
Ted Poe – Republican
Thomas Rooney – Republican
Trey Gowdy – Republican
Al Franken – Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold – Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz – Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. – Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter – Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan – Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi – Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran – Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy – Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks – Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra – Democrat Attorney General of California