As I contemplate my previous piece, I have been thinking about judgment. I don’t want to judge anyone. Myself. Others. And after this incident that got my child sick, I have been full of thoughts of judgment.
There is a lot of talk in the spiritual communities about judgment. How evil and awful it is. Damaging. How we should not do such a thing. (all of which are judgments of course – lol)
I try not to. Oh goddess I try not to. Overall I am very much a live and let live type.
So I think on this. And this is what I have come up with at this Now moment…
I request others to not engage in a behavior that is going to violate my basic right to freedom or my child’s basic right to freedom. Or anyone’s basic right to freedom. Because if you do, I am going to hold some thoughts about you that are less than pleasant (especially if said behavior has a negative impact on my child. As we say around these parts “do not poke the mama bear”).
I agree to do the same with all others.
And so it is.