R. Kelly Arrested on Federal Sex Trafficking Charges: Law Enforcement Officials


the names are gonna just keep coming from here on out…..


The 52-year-old was arrested by NYPD detectives and Homeland Security Investigators on sex trafficking charges

Singer R. Kelly has been arrested in Chicago on federal sex crime charges, according to two law enforcement officials.

The 52-year-old was arrested Homeland Security Investigation agents and NYPD Public Safety Task Force Thursday night on sex trafficking charges, officials tell News 4, and it is expected he will be brought to New York.

Further details on the case are expected to be announced Friday out of Eastern District of New York.

Spokespeople from the NYPD and Homeland Security Investigations declined to comment on the arrest. Calls to the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn were not immediately returned.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.