I had two back-to-back dream experiences last night where I was seeking to connect with two special people who have passed on over the years. I was able to make the connection – and it felt so authentic – as though the dream was pure and there was no deception. The first person I was able to see the person – but I could not only feel but see the different frequency between their world and ours. It’s hard to explain. I’ve had many dreams over the years of connecting w/loved ones who have passed on and last night feels like I was able to really see the different energies in that realm. So….first person we spoke – hugged and something guided me that it was time to leave. My heart needed more connecting so I went searching for a girlfriend of mine who passed quickly and unexpectedly about 4 years ago. I ended up having to call her on the phone. The connection was clear and she sounded up, happy and peaceful. I miss them both very very much – two of my very favorite people I have known in my time here.
So….now for the sky captures.
Usually full moons make me a little uncomfortable – antsy – this one, well it feels different. Perhaps because the controlling entities of it have been removed and for now it just remains a benign projection in our skies. Very grateful for sun, warmth and pure skies today.
facing east during sunset (ignore the time – camera time is incorrect):