Reflecting on The Event/Where we Are….on this New Year’s Eve – 1.12.25 Other finds and a Gematria






Shower portal guided me today on a few things.  One – the 17 post where we are told “you just forgot how to play the game” – something that has stood out for me over the years and isn’t discussed in the truther movement.  My sense continues to be we are in a simulated game, virtual reality, it was OUR game that outside parasites hijacked, locked us in, and with the mind wipe enabled them to do their b.s.  Then later on, while my hands were in water, I get an image of the cube and then a rubix cube – it’s weird when these things happen because they are more bodily impressions/knowings and the words are hard to come by.  blah blah, ya’ll know that about me by now.  If we are inside one giant clock like mechanism, locked in, there are protocols to unlock us – much like you solve a rubix cube.  Also got the reminder when I announced out loud to myself how wonderful it is to see the blue sky – “remember you are seeing water”.  Sometimes I try hard to distract myself and forget where I really am – but truth has this way of finding me again when I get *too* distracted.

This video is something that was watched recently – and he shared it with me.  It is interesting as it aligns w/some of what I got today about the cube.  This has a lot of good info where “they” show us where we are, etc.

The North Pole Mountain and the Real Blue Beam, Spiritual Messages #9 – YouTube


I believe the channel is JayZ Dreamer – another channel he watches – and he says a plasma event triggers us getting out – includes a bright flash AND a mist – something also included in the video above.  When theh worlds merge, there is this mist – something we are seeing everywhere these days with this abnormal “fog” – which according to some in the MrMBB333 video below, is smelling like gunpowder – which makes me think – perhaps we are smelling the remnants of the war activities – OR perhaps it’s them being released – sulfur based smell – from this reality – or perhaps being flushed out – or even coming out of us.  And what if the strange rashes and pimples so many are having in recent weeks (myself included) is some mass detox happening of nanites, etc. inside our bodies?  And what is one of the big things you need to do when you detox?  SLEEP/REST – and who among us now is not needing that.

Just theorizing.



Is the GRID about to go down? Something is DEFINITELY messing with it! – YouTube


I also had this thought – a memory – that getting out involves getting out via the center of the dome – the top – POLARIS – and thought to gematria it:



Hidden Codes

Look Up

The Moon

The God Gene


Here’s the New Year’s reference – it’s the real deal:


And there’s this – shared this awhile back – could reference the 11.3?



Then there’s this:





Numbers are codes – frequencies – which help unlock all of this b.s. and return is back to the future organic timeline.  My feeeeeeeeeeel……






May be an image of map and text



NEW: Manmade Smuggling Tunnel with Electricity and Ventilation From Juarez to El Paso Discovered (VIDEO)


Antarctic ice core could help solve an ancient climate mystery, scientists say | CNN


The LA Situation Is Only Getting Crazier.. Loud Booms And Strange Things Happening – YouTube










Safety – feeling Safe is key:




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.