Reflecting ~ What’s real here? No seriously – what is R E A L?


Earlier – out and about – saw some license plates I was nudged to look at.  555.  999.  Liked that – that felt protective.  Then……. just as I pulled into the parking lot of the first store – I see NPC.  Yeah – no joke.  Something told me ‘be prepared for them’.

Yep.  Saw ’em.  Masked up.  Breathing heavy.  Following me – or showing up in the same dayem aisles in which I was shopping.  Or when I stopped to get some things in bulk, up comes a masked clerk at the same dayem time needing to put items away right. in. front. of. me.  No way was any of that a coincidence – but signs of the simulation.


What is really real here?

It’s feeling emptier now.  Heck, I even feel a quiet here at the site.  Post visits are down.  Donations too.  I don’t see my stuff shared as I once did.  At this place and point in the timeline that is.

It’s odd – I used to think the waxing and waning of feeling surrounded by people to then suddenly on a dime switch to feeling a mostly empty experience – with the exception of convos with some of my closest ones – I used to think that was just normal behavior.  Now I see it as part of my experience inside this place.


Again – what. is. real?

And speaking of a poking moment – which “they” have been absolutely at it the past 2-3 days especially.  Good gawd……  My girl saw one of her former friends who my girl was not allowed to play with during the scamdemic because we decided to let her breathe freely.  It was a tense moment for my girl – she smiled a bit and waved – the other girl looked away quickly.  Apparently, we’re still not allowed inside their circle because they drank the stewpid water and it is likely still affecting them as there was no indication coming from them that they intended to speak or associate with us.  The mom was there – I was aching to walk over to her and have a few words (this was a mama who told me she wanted to do all she could to support and nurture the girls friendship throughout the pandemic – which turned out to be a total lie) – but I restrained myself.  My girl is taking the high road – saying the one thing this girl can’t take from her is her confidence.  Me?  Yeah, I want some justice after all of this sheot my girl had to go through to wake up some dayem normie.  I want these people to SEE IT ALL and have a giant mental meltdown for a few hours – or days – maybe weeks – followed by a big ‘ole apology for not being open to the fact that they were being lied to.  Just once I would like to know that experience.


Nursing wounds with girlie time together and chocolate cake.  Me?  I’m envisioning the above for a little bit and calling in some abundance for myself.  A new world.  A new experience.  BTW – anyone familiar with XRP or Ripple?  Desperate enough to explore making some money through that investment line.  Why the abundance has not yet shown up yet is beyond my grasp.  I saw it happening by now.  I know this – desperation doesn’t look good on me and I’m knocking at that door.  So as I said tonight – if you come here and value what I offer – and can afford to – it’s time to step up and show that support.

Other than that, having more moments were I don’t know wtf I’m doing anymore.  lol  And got wiped out today – began last night – don’t know what it was – but something came in and put me into that state of fatigue I haven’t felt in quite awhile – the kind that used to come in and put me down for an hour at around the 7pm hour.  I pushed through today though – had laundry and other things to do.  I know – put it aside for later.  I don’t operate that way.  lol


Cake’s calling – as is a shower to wash off this god-knows-what type of laundry sheet type spray they use in one of the stores we visited.  Just more fake concotions in this very fake reality.




p.s. if you’re on twitter i’m looking for others to start a Manifestation Group.  It. Is. Time.  (esp. after seeing this as proof:)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.