Reflections on Freedom


*the following is a recorded version of a stream-of-consciousness moment i had today while preparing soup for dinner…  (yes my voice is quite strained as a result)



Youth Active Jump Happy Sunrise Silhouette

What we are witnessing today, the awakenings to all of the tools of enslavement by those in their ugly disguise, is more than just about our current history. It is more than just the United States.  It is an expansive system that dates back, oh, I don’t know how many “years” to be exact – but certainly MANY different civilizations over many many different cycles of Creation in this realm.

The enslavement created by those beings who landed here, changed our DNA and then gave us many systems, including the idea of government.

Government is nothing more than a group of being’s who power over others by telling us how we can live.  How we can travel.  Who we can marry and when.  Telling us what kind of food we’re gonna eat and how we are going to power your lives (by offering their limited, archaic, harmful versions of technology).

This system robs us of our freedom.

Some people say “oh I’m living off grid I am free”.

Are you REALLY?

THINK about that one.

Can you travel wherever you want without some rule or restriction?

Are you breathing clean healthy air every day and drinking clean pure unpolluted water and food?

Do you have access to all of the tech (suppressed and not) for any healing needs?

Do you have to pay some bank to eat and own or rent a home or heat/cool yourself/your home?

Are you allowed to educate your child however you want without restriction?

Government is the ultimate freedom-destroying system.  Throw in the concept of money and you can make doubly sure the masses stay in line by asserting its authority that “we will do all it takes to take away your ability to survive, to heal, to live if you challenge us”.


We have been duped into beLIEving we can have a little freedom here and a little freedom there.  The rest of existance is just an inconvenience or “just how things are”.

You CAN NOT have just a little bit of freedom.

You are either Free or you aren’t.

This means no other being tells you how to live or what to do.  Well unless you have a child and it’s 4 in the morning and they are screaming and won’t sleep and you cave and say “fine you can come to bed with me.”

Other than those moments, freedom means no one ever puts power over another person and tells them what’s best for them.  It is the right to Live/Be/Do as one wishes in so long as that choice is not violating the freedom’s of another.

And what’s scary with me is when I have conversations with my neighbor (who likely holds a pretty universal perception).  I have spoken about the idea of freedom and government and asked him “do you really need the government telling you what to do?”  and he says no, HE doesn’t… and he said I don’t either… however he said there are other people who DO need to be told what to do.

And I said “aside from children, like who?”

And he said “the criminals”.

And I said oh you mean like the government?  I said that they’re criminals aren’t they?  They have lied to us.  Stolen our wealth.

Well he couldn’t disagree with that.

I said so WHO are these people you speak of that need to be told how to live.

He had no answer other than to say all of the crazy people out in the world – and yet he couldn’t name one such person.

Freedom is a really big thing.

And it is more than just an Inside job.  I can tell myself “I am free” and I can FEEL my freedom and I can KNOW I am indeed worthy of Pure Freedom. That is part of the process indeed.

However, until I can TRAVEL and LIVE and BE however I choose and desire and wish and want and need TO do/be/live WITHOUT someone else telling me otherwise or putting up an obstacle of some sort “rule/money/regulation/gender/ad effing nauseum” then I am NOT FULLY FREE.

And neither are you.

We do not need to be governed-over.

We can have over-seers in the local communities.

To ensure people have their needs met.  And they serve a year or two and step down ensuring everyone in the Community participates.

And if someone is getting too big for their britches and wants to install a system to power over another and violate the rights to Pure Freedom, they are removed and given the chance to Remember and heal.  And that’s that.

NO system is fool-proof of course.

However, I FEEL this – when Beings are fully fully free, when they no longer have to worry about paying to live, when all of the restrictions are removed, when those destroying systems are removed, I feel we are going to be really hard-pressed to find ANYONE who would not agree to go along with such a way of Being.

Being FREE is just as powerful as is our need for Love.

It does take a space of maturity to live such a way.

And I deeply feel most people have that ability.

We know what we have doesn’t work.  The power-over game.

If it did, we would have peace all over.

Restriction creates resistance.  Especially over the long term.

As I think about this subject of freedom, I have memories coming back to me and it’s coming from that pit deep within the middle of my Being.  And I am a very very intense person….at times that is….at times when I am really tapping into something greater.  And I feel from where I come from, We would not have allowed this sort of enslavement to take place and maybe that’s one of the reasons I came here (I had to pause here ~ emotions became quite strong and my voice quavered) was to speak out about this and do what I can to put an end to it because I really feel that where I come from, the thought of seeing another being have their freedoms taken away, violated, was absolutely unheard of and as such was absolutely not tolerated.

I think what Love does, Love steps in and seeing another Being being powered over by another, a group or individual, and says “what can i do to help you?”

People can be powered-over subtly or overtly, overtly as an example someone beating the shit out of another simply because they can, that’s overt and then the subtle power-over is of course someone saying sorry we’re gonna cut off your electricity because you can’t afford to pay your bill (more tears here).

If I were out there in a flying craft, flying around the planet with all of the advanced tech, as my fully empowered and healed Being and I saw what was taking place on this planet?  I would get my butt to the ground and I would find somebody who I would feel energetically I could trust and who was working to help stop this enslavement and I would say “What can I do to help?  What can I do to serve?”

So..I guess what I am saying is Love does not remain quiet in the face of destruction of freedom.  It steps up and says “What Can I Do?”

Love In Action in the Now moment.

I’ve had this site going for about an year and a half now.  I continue to have this calling that I am going to be doing something different and even though I love this site and want to keep it going and I feel it IS serving a purpose, I don’t know, I’m really feeling the neeeeeeeeed to do different~ maybe it’s doubt ~ even though I am not feeding my doubts any longer ~ so I will say it like this ~ IF there is something new and different for me to do while I am still in this realm I will be shown and guided to this…. this realm… which I am very much ready to exit out of and go to where I See ~ but maybe that hasn’t happened yet because I have not seen the full liberation of Humanity yet ~ at least I have yet to see humanity being given the OPPORTUNITY to be fully free.

I really hope that’s soon.

Because I’m tired.

And I want to go back to how I once lived.

Fully Free.

Thank you.

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One day Love In Action Now will truly be all we need.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.