Relatable Finds ~ 7.20.23


Yeah, the suckery continues………….just can’t shake the mood so i’m letting myself BE………..seeing too much icky ugh not aligning – pokes coming from people posting about new pay to live crap – crypto crap especially – and maybe we do need social credit scores to keep people working hard – separate the doers from the “losers” lazy ones…….to those still saying ain’t no one saving you you gots to do that yourself….

OMG where’s my f’ing stick?  let me whack ’em around a little………ya know?

you wanna get tossed down a hole – no memory of it happening or how but a bodily KNOWING you ain’t where you belong nor choose to be – no knowing how to get back out – and meanwhile you forced to pay to live because those who made the hole and run it says you have to – while they throw toxic water food and air at you and expect you to compete in this survival – of -the-fittest sheot pit while their religious puppets tell you just pray to jesus and he will save you and when people do that and still suffer you get told you ain’t praying right or enough or donating enough money to THEM and the scholarly types say to get more educating.  the liberals say paint yourself with rainbow colors and go visit a government agency for help while the conservatives say suck it up buttercup (while both refusing to see they’re in the same dayem hole).


breathe Victoria………..breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathe…….

so i continue to be ME – or like this feisty woman says below – my bad arse self.  it’s true – same sheot – different day in da matrix.  whatcha do here every day Victoria?  i mama bear domestic warrior goddess writer editor sharer of truth.  that’s what i do and i rock it all the way and keep rockin’ it until I AM FREE.


yes……..this this this…………i have not been putting myself out into the world with my words for 30 years now researching and sharing just so we can have another controlled pay to live system.  so either we’ve been royally duped – OR this is distraction – OR YRFT is right and this is a cleaned up version for those going “west” while we go home.


better than what we got………….still don’t like it………but hey i’ve gotten used to things playing out on the world stage – being presented to us – that i don’t align with and if this is the best they will offer us – while we’re still here –  i’ll take it as i am DONE in SPADES with where. i. am.




this is the last year for me.  this don’t happen by years end i’m throwing my JFK JR cup away……….my heart is so heavy with how long i’ve carried this whole thing…………



interesting…….dude is brilliant……….my mind is 5 year old saying “can you make us something to bust us outta here?”  change the frequency inside so the reality changes with it?


you ever get into that space where you just don’t know what to do to shift yourself and your experience?  nothing feels right.  nothing sounds good.  nothing to nourish your soul.  sleep.  food.  distractions.  i gotta go find something that works – be in that space – and shift this full on UGH i am feeling in my body that i do. not. want. and try and find center again even while still here because in all honesty – it is my very inner humanness heart and whatever else is inside of me that is DONE and i want to be bathed in love until i no longer hurt inside.

back tomorrow.  hopefully in a new shifted space.


just keepin’ it real V.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Relatable Finds ~ 7.20.23”

  1. As an addendum to my comment re QFS made earlier. Suffice to say–I’m still not at peace, due to the CBDC blockchain thang hovering in the background. I began reading a breakdown of the FedNow fuggery and it’s apparent that these Sabbatean overlords are going to do anything they can to keep their crime show alive! …White Hats in the military needed!

    1. thank you for your explanation – and i agree – i am feeling unsure about the whole thing. i remember 17 saying the fed would be restructured – so perhaps this is it.

  2. That’s a tough lady! Is it just me who hear YRFT’s voice in this video???

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