Relationships And Domination

By Arno Pienaar

The spell of relationships is a hard pill to shallow, but the truth will set you free regarding the cause to why many past relationships failed in tatters.


Relationships and Domination

Humans are social creatures by nature and form bonds with each other as a matter of existence. We all have relationships in our lives, both good and bad.

Relationships are built on communication, and their construction is based on the unconscious agreement of a role to be presented to the other individuals.

The word “individual” broken down etymologically spells in-divided-dual-ism. This phrase basically spells out the deception of communication between any two individuals in a dualistic plane.

The duplicity of communication is for “power over” another.

In duality, this is an everlasting dual between yourself and all engineered others, under various degrees of AI (Artificial Intelligence), using the “word” to tempt the permission of your agreement that leads to the submission of yourself to the reality conjured by the Creator, with the help of AI.

Communication is a dual with words for domination. When two individuals are in a relationship, there is always one of the two that has power over the other, which is established through communication.

When two individuals want something from each other in a relationship, the laws of domination come into play. One is subject to domination when one is unaware of the duplicity of communication. One gives in to the other and this is called the “sacrifice of relationships.”

So, either you betray yourself or you betray the other.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.