My Request For Help


After having my own intuitive feeling for awhile now and then having one of you “sensing” the same thing, I have decided to see a Shaman.  There is a local woman in my area who I have spoken with and she charges $50/session.  I just need the money to do so.  So if any of you feel the desire to do so, I could really use the donations to see her.  I have felt “stuck” (fragmented is more the word) with an issue for over 25 years and things like counseling and even energy/body work have not helped.  I had an intuitive read a couple of years back by a man who saw the same “stuckness” and while he claimed to remove it (he was not a Shaman and his technique was far too simple in my mind), I noticed no improvement. Just more of an “oh yes now I see”.

Anyway, it would mean a lot to me.  I want so much to be healed.  Thank you!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.