Rick Jewers ~ My Personal View (Of Current Happenings)


It’s been awhile since I have shared one of his pieces.  This one spoke to me as much of it is what I am feeling/thinking/experiencing.



With each passing day, and even every hour now, I am seeing so many things aligned with this Ascension, come to fruition. It is becoming more clear to others as well, that this world is indeed in the midst of great change, and rapid change I may add. It is great, and also essential, that we are indeed seeing so many labeled “conspiracy theory”s, becoming fact, as a tremendous about of truth is being revealed to the planet. There is no denying nor refuting, the evidence that is being shown to the masses, even by the most skeptical. Surely to date, there are few left upon the planet, that are not Awakened to at least some degree.

I know many of You in the past have been ridiculed at times because of Your beliefs, I as well. But Now, as more and more is being publicly released and carried by mainstream media, a day in the sun, is definitely here and no longer can One be ridiculed, as part of the minority we once were, has now shifted to a blatant majority. I know there is still more work to do with this Ascension, but I truly believe we are Now at the pinnacle, the top of the mountain we were climbing in regards to our Divine work upon Gaia, and our great rest is nigh. Even by using the mainstream media coverage of conspiracy facts as a gauge, it tells me that the masses are Now being reached in greater numbers, and even more rapidly.

I communicate with many on a daily basis, although most that I converse with are usually Awake to considerable degrees and are mostly like-minded, there are some that I communicate with that I am seeing them as well, beginning to change their perception of things on this planet and how things were run. I also get the feedback from others that I communicate with, how they also are seeing others Awakening before their very eyes and see alignment with the overall Ascension that is happening. I also get from others that they even have some coming to them after months and even years, saying that they were right, as more are able to see clearly and escape the conditioning that was imposed upon them.

For Us, it has indeed been a very tough battle, with Our assigned Ascension roles. Once I was given directly from Source, more information, and confirmations, in the beginning, it paved the way for me to go fully forward without any doubt whatsoever. I was very fortunate to be shown that God is indeed real and given forward/futuristic information that came to fruition, some even against astronomical odds, which greatly assisted in fully validating that this was no type of trick, game or even mind control, it was authentic, genuine, the real deal. I needed to have this full confirmation, for, in the distant past, I could have been called as one of the most skeptical towards God and any of the magic that surrounds Deity, for You see, I was once an atheist. But Now, back on topic with this post.

I see the whole system crumbling, as it was. I was told that it would, because of the Divine energy/intervention upon Gaia since 2012, no longer supported anything that was not in the best good interests and good intent for All. I witnessed, as I am sure most of You have, the turning point in 2012, and how from then on, everything not in line with truth, being revealed/disclosed and beginning to collapse/implode. Everything from pedophile rings to the corrupt governments and then the ones that controlled the governments, the Elite. It is now also very appreciable to see the mainstream media taking on a bigger role and assisting in these revelations.

I do know that there are many beliefs out there that seem to differ and vary at this time, but I also do know, that ultimately, these current beliefs all converge in the future, as things become more clear and streamlined. No one is lying when they may believe something that does not resonate with You, it is what they received and is to steer them a certain way for Now, as You are steered one way, but again, we All meet in the future. This is one reason why it is so important not to judge another at this time, nor in the future, for that matter. Just because someone believes something today, does not mean they will believe that tomorrow, we are in constant forward change, and I see how I went from an atheist to a full believer, literally overnight. When I was first Awakened, my whole belief system was turned completely upside down, it took awhile to adjust and evaluate what was happening to me, so I know what others go through to at least some extent, and knows that it leads to the truth when One is ready.

At this point, too many have Awakened, for things to remain or go back to the way they were. No longer will the huge wealth disparity exist, it simply cannot. No longer will governments and leaders not represent the peoples, with both of these roles going through very rapid and huge transitions, but again, these transitions are only temporary, and evolve into a 5D compatible form of leadership and representation.

I think the main thing I am trying to say in this post, is that good thing are indeed happening, and the proofs are mounting daily for All. There should absolutely be no fear in things collapsing with chaos, it is my understanding that mechanisms are in place globally to cushion the huge transition. Temporary measures have been taken to assure a somewhat smooth transition. Protests will mount, as they are in certain places, with new ones springing up, to accelerate the transition into 5D.

I must add that I am very pleased to begin to more fully see events lining up to ease and eradicate the female suppression of the Eastern world. As we know, the Divine Feminine is leading the charge with this Ascension on high energetic levels, and this Eastern female complement is needed at this time to come more in line with the Ascension and empower it. The Eastern Patriarchal rule is imploding, the global Feminine, as well as the Masculine, needs to fully support this energetically, as these patriarchial religions must transition or also implode, these religions cannot remain as they are, suppressing the Feminine.


Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.