Back to the 23rd of June…
As mentioned, this timestamp allows for the elementals to recharge and receive the focused, energetic exchange of love, which empowered them to work with Aether, for the planet’s continuous well-being.
Many traditions light bonfires on this day. This action is to the detriment of the elementals, as the burning of fire on this day creates a misbalance between the elements and many of the plants that are burnt uphold the veil of separation between humans and elementals.
What I invite you to do on the day of the 23rd:
– Gather plants such as Fern, Spleenwort, Wall-Rue, Maidenhair, Hart’s tongue, Bracken, Camomile, Geranium, Thyme, Chervrilseed, Giant-fennel, Mugwort and gift them to nature in sacred ceremony.
– Hold a ceremony to honour and bless the elementals, and ask for the unification between humans and elementals through love.
– The elementals are joyous, jubilant, highly expressive sentient beings; they love to dance. So go out in nature and dance! Dance with the elementals, feel their grace and presence. A dear sister recommends the art of Sufi dance as it reflects their very nature as beings of flowing, subtle grace.
– As mentioned, in the elemental kingdom, trees are the ancient elders and wisdom keepers. They are connected to all the elementals. In each forest of trees, there is one known as the Sentinel {usually the oldest tree}. Use your high sense perceptions to find the Sentinel, introduce yourself, acknowledge it’s presence and merge your consciousness with it. Sit in meditation and embrace the stillness – with this practice you are honouring the elementals.
– Refrain from cutting or using plants for the days of 23-24th.
– To honour the elementals do not light fire, excessively use water, or participate in the earth-based construction on the days 23-24th.
– Use the essential oils Frankincense and Myrrh, to bless nature and water {Indigenous methods of blessing the elements encouraged}.
– Be spontaneous and creative! This is the nature of the elementals – always remain authentic in expressing energy, however.