Rise of the Elementals


Thanks to Deborah for sending this one to me.  ♥  All is returning as One.  And I apologize for the formatting – it was received in a newsletter/email format.  


For those of you who do not know me, my name is Gabriel Merlin Melchizedek, and I serve as the Expansion Director for the Institute of Divine Potential.

As you are experiencing, there are many energetic shifts currently taking place on our beloved planet. We have just been blessed with the Summer Solstice on Wednesday, which opened up a gateway for the galactic sun’s light intelligence to transform all sentient life on the planet. Each solstice creates metamorphosis by updating the energetic field of all matter for the future alignment with higher self-universal coding.

I wanted to take this opportunity in this eternal moment to share with the importance of today – June 23rd. For a druid; or a being who is in contact with the elementals today is of unparalleled significance.

Just before I begin to explore this topic, I would like to do a quick sharing on the consciousness that is bringing this information forth. I was very blessed to receive access to the Merlin consciousness field on our Family’s planetary service mission last year.

The consciousness that can be expressed as Merlin is the ninth incarnation of the Ascended Master St Germain. Merlin exists in the quantum timestamp known as Avalon – where he serves as the Chief Druid and counsellor to King Arthur. Merlin’s abilities included Magic, Alchemy and he was able to communicate with the elementals, dragons and many other magical creatures. His most important role is to uphold the purity of magic and ensure the peaceful relations between the elementals/magical creatures and humans.

His secondary role is to serve King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur and his knights are a representation of Unity Consciousness, and they operated under the Code of the Heart. The Code of the Heart is derived from the concept of Universal Love, which is the origin of all of us – and the very source from which we have all been created.

As the planet’s consciousness is stationed at 6-dimensional Gaia at the quantum timestamp that is Avalon, this allows the physics of magic to exist through the elementals creating the Aether to support its expression. The elementals taught human’s how to use magic.

The great Naga’s {Dragons} are the etheric embodiment of all five elements. They taught the elementals, and humans how to bend the energy within themselves. This is how many of the ancient wonders of the world were built, working with the elementals and the bending of elements {wind, water, fire, air, aether}.


So enough of the back story…

If you are not sure what an elemental is… {otherwise skip the next five paragraphs}

For each element of the earth, there are nature spirits that are the spiritual essence of that element. They are made up of etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element.

One can only see them with a fully open third eye or if you apply the elixir of Panacea {3 eye drops}. They are living entities that are not separate from you! Below is a summary of elemental categories in relation to the elements of earth.

Earth – Gnomes {e.g. Elves}

Fire – Salamanders

Air – Sylphs {e.g. Fairies}

Water – Undines {e.g. Mermaids}

Elemental beings are a reflection of the state of consciousness of the planet. Hence they can range in size from smaller than an electron to larger than galactic space.

They work with Aether; specialising in creating specific forms, whether it be an electron or interstellar space. They can “bend” the element of their association.

Elementals play an important role in the planet’s evolutionary cycle, as they create new expressions of Aether which support the physics of each dimensional shift of the planet’s consciousness.


Many of the elementals now exist in dimensional wormholes or as small etheric orbs – again it is all relative to the planet’s consciousness. Throughout the Kali Yuga the relationship between humans, the planet and elementals fell.

You see when nature is tampered with from its organic state (e.g. trees are cut, water is polluted) this impacts the elementals. The perfected intelligence and symbiosis of nature in its organic state allows for the energetic template for the elementals to thrive.

On the Day of the Elementals {23rd June} in the quantum timestamp of Avalon, the elemental leaders would gather with Merlin and conduct a sacred ceremony to balance and align the energetics, elements and Aether of the planet.

The energy from the Solstice on the 21st, where the veil between spiritual dimensions is thinnest, overflows and allows for the elementals days after to gather energetics to recharge themselves and come together in a unified field. I am also told, that this was the linear time stamp that the founder races first birthed many of the major elementals consciousness.

A Sacred ceremony is also held by the Druids, Cathars, Rosicrucians and many other spiritual communities on this day. The Druids, for example, would conduct blessings on each of the earth elements and gather many medicinal plants and gift them to the elementals. The male fern was the most important as it the had a connection to the element of Aether. The Druids believed that the elementals would also bless the plants offered to them and unlock their magical properties. Hence, this was a symbiotic relationship of love and respect.

Another ceremonial practice was that the Druids would gather around the Sentinel, which is known as the ancient and most wise tree in a given area. Trees are known in the elemental kingdom as the Ancient Ones, who are the physical embodiment of all the elements {the dragons are the etheric embodiment}. The Druids would merge their consciousness with the trees and transmit love and honour the elementals for their divine service to the planet.

Before each Merlin left the physical plane, they would leave their consciousness in the heart of the particular sentinel who was their guardian/advisor during their incarnation ~ for future access for those who are chosen. And this is how the Merlin consciousness has remained to this very day…

I was blessed to receive access to the Merlin consciousness from a groping of the Ancient Ones…

A little tip…

In Avebury, there is a cloister of four ancient trees…

They are the wisdom keepers of the whole Albion-Avalon timelines and hold the consciousness of all characters of the play so to speak.

So if you wish to reconnect with a fragment of your quantum consciousness that exists within the Albion timelines {priestess, knights of the round table, elves, dragons, etc.} merge your consciousness with the ancient ones.

Honour them, sit in meditation, embrace their eternal wisdom!


Back to the 23rd of June

As mentioned, this timestamp allows for the elementals to recharge and receive the focused, energetic exchange of love, which empowered them to work with Aether, for the planet’s continuous well-being.

Many traditions light bonfires on this day. This action is to the detriment of the elementals, as the burning of fire on this day creates a misbalance between the elements and many of the plants that are burnt uphold the veil of separation between humans and elementals.

What I invite you to do on the day of the 23rd:

– Gather plants such as Fern, Spleenwort, Wall-Rue, Maidenhair, Hart’s tongue, Bracken, Camomile, Geranium, Thyme, Chervrilseed, Giant-fennel, Mugwort and gift them to nature in sacred ceremony.

– Hold a ceremony to honour and bless the elementals, and ask for the unification between humans and elementals through love.

– The elementals are joyous, jubilant, highly expressive sentient beings; they love to dance. So go out in nature and dance! Dance with the elementals, feel their grace and presence. A dear sister recommends the art of Sufi dance as it reflects their very nature as beings of flowing, subtle grace.

– As mentioned, in the elemental kingdom, trees are the ancient elders and wisdom keepers. They are connected to all the elementals. In each forest of trees, there is one known as the Sentinel {usually the oldest tree}. Use your high sense perceptions to find the Sentinel, introduce yourself, acknowledge it’s presence and merge your consciousness with it. Sit in meditation and embrace the stillness – with this practice you are honouring the elementals.

– Refrain from cutting or using plants for the days of 23-24th.

– To honour the elementals do not light fire, excessively use water, or participate in the earth-based construction on the days 23-24th.

– Use the essential oils Frankincense and Myrrh, to bless nature and water {Indigenous methods of blessing the elements encouraged}.

– Be spontaneous and creative! This is the nature of the elementals – always remain authentic in expressing energy, however.


The elementals are not separate from us. It is the time that we reunite with them and have an awareness of their existence!

Tune into your heart as you interact with nature, call to them, they are great teachers on the path and are the embodiment of love, joy and creative expression.

We are in this all together – all sentient beings of Mother Gaia.

The elementals play a pivotal role in creating the Aether that will support the etheric cities of the Golden Age.

Only through unity consciousness can we evolve into our true essence that is universal love.

From my heart to yours, thank you for sharing this eternal moment to read through my truth.

I want to also appreciate and honour the other gatekeepers of the Merlin consciousness who assisted in this sharing {you know who you are!}.

P.S. If you enjoyed this sharing, please let me know!

Topics I can expand on in the future is the new Merlin template of the Aurora realms and the associated elementals, the Ancient Naga’s {Dragons} and Trees….

Omni Love and Divine Blessings

Profile Image Gabriel Melchizedek
Expansion Director

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.