Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli PM, charged with fraud


editor’s note:  i awoke this morning, thinking of Q’s posts – how iran is next in line to “fall” and after that, last, is israel.  i wonder when we’ll see the PM and his wife charged, i thought.  saw this a couple hours later.  


In February, police recommended Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on charges of corruption and bribery.
by Francis Whittaker and Reuters /  / Updated 

Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was charged with fraud on Thursday for allegedly misusing over $100,000 in public funds to order lavish meals from some of the country’s most famous chefs, a court spokesperson said.

The indictment charged that Netanyahu, along with a government employee, fraudulently obtained more than $100,000 for hundreds of meals supplied by restaurants, bypassing regulations prohibiting the practice if a cook is employed at the home.

She was charged with aggravated fraud and breach of trust, according to the indictment released by the Justice Ministry.
Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.