editor victoria’s comment ~ now and then i have continued to “hear” Yellow Rose for Texas’ theory that the Event coincides w/the arrests….that is something that clicked w/me and has remained….
Once you stop spinning…
If you haven’t already, it’s time to see yourself experiencing The (BIG) Event (from outside yourself, if you can), but more importantly, it’s time for you to imagine what you’re going to be doing AFTER The Event… whenever it is.
Imagine your perfect world and your perfect place in it. For some, it will involve what you’re called to do, which you probably won’t know till The Event happens, but preferences are always taken into account. Give it a think. And no, you can’t dance ALL the time.
That’s the good news. Now for the rest…
Now that we’re deeper into this end-of-year energy thing (we don’t know what to call things, anymore) and can see better, it looks like there is indeed a big SHIFT coming… we’ve all felt it, but… we don’t think it’s going to be The (BIG) Event.
Those Universal Ships around the sun…