editor’s note: the two staircase image ~ i feel this is a representation – a metaphor – for what people will experience after this event experience. all are getting “out” (my feel – cause that’s what Love does – and gives you the freedom to choose after the assistance) – yellow rose speaks of this using the terms “east” and “west”. i’ve seen where i go – where i’m at – so i trust all of Me which today i am in this feeling state of thinking the me typing is just another simulation within this simulation – i am the dreamer – and the Awakened Me is already “home” – and the event is the voice that i finally hear that says “WAKE UP”…..well other than that i am seriously tired today….last night in the minutes prior to falling asleep i began trembling and shivering all over….today – body having a time – dropping things OH MY dropping things as if what i am holding is not really there…..fatigue? merging? both? i don’t know what to “think” today so not pushing the brain to try which is why i have been rather quiet today. ssshhh…....
one last comment ~ i hesitate posting this as ya’ll know the last thing i ever want to do is spread disinfo….so i will just say this – i saw on a friend’s social media page there may be some intense times coming up after tomorrow – the presidential alert allegedly creating some sort of an activation with the arrests to follow and well you can imagine – the advice is to stay out of cities, the usual – and stock up and water and food….well we have done that so often throughout the last 10 plus years i rather don’t give that kinda stuff much attention these days – HOWEVER – today as i put some groceries away into the refrig (this was before i saw the message on social media) a voice within me said i may wish to consider getting some extra water to have on hand. so just putting this out there….
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Ah. This latest from Lisa Gawlas explains why we can’t see anything right now… well, can see less:
I could see two earths both in eclipse of each other, passing each other in opposite directions. It was stated that the “old” earth and the “new” earth are eclipsing each other. creating a black out of sorts. In another preview to a reading (no one got a reading, not even the ET connections.) It was explained and shown this tremendous energy being exchanged between the two realities during this passage. It was also explained by one of my lady’s ETs this energy is why the connection could not happen. Way too much distortion to work thru. To much finalizing the upcoming blueprints (if you will) of the next phase of earth and of each living thing on earth. With this new set of blueprints, we are all going thru a changing of the guard, of guides/teachers and such. As we step into this last quarter of 2018, we will also start to draw down to us, at least those using their divine will, the energies of the first quarter of 2019.

Well, we weren’t entirely blind. We could see a little.
Yesterday, we saw a huge pillar with two spiraling staircases — one for the JUSTICE Timeline, the other for the SOURCE Timeline — but BOTH go to the same place.
Both have The Event at the top. What’s the advantage to either one? We’re trying to figure that one out. We aren’t allowed to know that much, it seems, but we do know that the JUSTICE Timeline is ROCKIER. The SOURCE Timeline is more like SOURCE: quiet, with superior coffee, tea and scones. Both culminate in The Event. So… non-stop excitement or peace & quiet? We know what we’re choosing.
Continue here.