Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Last Chance to Choose a Hairstyle [UPDATE3]


editor victoria’s comment ~ an interesting insight…..this experience in separation here is not just a feeling of being separated from Source….the separation also scattered us throughout various timelines……and the event – that particular frequency – wiping all timelines and creating – bringing it all back into ONE timeline.  hmmm….  how will that look like for the me (and you) typing (and reading) this?  it’s too late for me to get into that any further.  (which is another way for saying i haven’t a clue at the moment….)

(website update:  got my contact form fixed (to a compatible plug in w/this site – didn’t know the one i had was not compatible)….and am working w/my original website creator in determining why ya’ll aren’t receiving my post notifications via email (speaking to subscribers here).  hope to have that remedied soon.)


Finally, we have news.

It seems that The SHIFT, The Event, The Big Show, whatever you want to call it, that thing we’ve all been waiting for for so long really is going to happen soon — that is, the ACTUAL definition of “soon,” not Spirit’s definition. How do we know?

Several of us have now seen various versions of ourselves in meditation, cycling one after the other, with different amounts/different styles of hair (or absence thereof) to the tune of about approx. 8-12 different selves. These are all the various versions of us on all the various timelines… that will soon be resolving into one.

Yes, this means consolidation into one timeline.

How could that be? Wouldn’t all the different versions of you notice that things were markedly different? Yes, yes they would. So, how could this be done? It could be done with a complete wipe of all timelines and a SHIFT to ONE timeline: aka, The Event, The SHIFT, The Big Show.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.