editor victoria’s comment ~ i am including the part about the DNA upgrading as it aligns with something i was sharing w/my mate earlier today. this “allowing” the DNA upgrades – i am feeling i could be helping this process along as we should all be flying by now, manifesting instantly, healing instantly, etc. however as they say, such things take a LONG TIME here in this realm although it IS possible. so for me, well i will just bypass that long wait and arduous work, and will take the plasma wave of love now with a side of chocolate to go (Home). thank you very much.
…..Note that you’re right now adding DNA to the *tops* of your helices such that you will create… well, we never thought of it this way, but you will create a circle of DNA at the top of your strands that is basically *a bridge* between the two strands, such they will be connected into one long loop. Perhaps that’s why some of us were getting “rainbow bridge” imagery. Huh.
Anyway, what we’re seeing is, after the above is complete… you won’t be sick ever again. And… you’ll be immortal, unless you choose to transition for whatever reason. This pattern carries over to the New Earth if you get it done before The Event, as it’s the part of you that describes what vehicle (body) you’ll be driving. We’re uncertain if each of you are to do this before, after, or during The Event, as it will be different for everyone. That said, you can start to “bridge the gap” NOW if you want to, just meditate on it and make it a constant mental priority (that is, imagine it and keep it in mind till it happens; you’ll know when you’re done; it’s not easy, but it’s do-able).
The 3d level is THICK and gooey, so manifestation takes longer, a LOT longer, SO MUCH LONGER!… and takes more concentration and will. And lots of quarters. Basically, 3d is the hardest number that you’ll ever do. Also note that we’re upgrading to *14 strands,* not 12, those of us who are upgrading, anyway.