


I hadn’t noticed this yesterday – these parallel horizontal lines/images at about the 28hz level (gotta enlarge to see).  Then there are these cobalt blue circular patterns which is really odd.  Are we entering a new energy/frequency?

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Schumann”

  1. Hi Victoria
    Yes ! Just out ! we are entering a new frequency, Lisa Rene from Energetic Synthesis ( her monthly news letter) is a very good history and has news about the King Arthur frequencies that are hitting Scotland right now then moving to UK then Ireland then the whole world.
    Now it is going through all energetic Earth lei lines and old sacred areas but soon to be blasting the entire earth with the purpose to blow open everyone awake by removing the blocks the negatives placed (to keep everyone under their spell )on our Crown chakra to assist in humanities Ascension. She explains that the NAA (negative alien agenda) have used these lines for siphoning and storing loosh and pushing the transgender confusion.
    That newsletter is free for anyone signing up for it.

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