5 thoughts on “Schumann and what’s that on the LASCO??”

  1. There’s a large chunk of time missing. Check the timebar, jumps from 23 something to 4.

    1. oooh you’re right stefan! on my end the chunk of missing time is from 5:42 then jumps to 8:18. that object is still there – i think it’s us getting ready to portal out. thank you for visiting and commenting. your vision is amazing!

  2. The chunk that was left out earlier is visible now. Either it’s the real thing, which is possible because the object in the right is visible, or it’s been altered.
    Anywho, interesting times.

  3. Are those spikes on the Shumann, corresponding to the weird horizonral lines on the object on the right? It may be a way to id it as Earth.

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