SCHUMANN IS BACK ONLINE…..Check out the latest “signature”….And a video – Mayotte Island strange earthquake….And one of those “last minute” gematria’s



Big huge “missing gap” – then a smaller one a little over an hour ago….Power up – we are getting closer and stronger….



Now check this one out.  May be nothing.  Or may be something.  Remember Mayotte Island (off the east coast of Africa) where that pulse that buzzed the planet every 17 minutes on 11/11/18 originated from?   Well it’s back in the news again.  186 LP (long period) quakes occured in the area, each quake associated with a VLP (very long period) quake.  As this excellent video shares, LP and VLP quakes are associated with resonances (and fluid movements).  This began on July 31st.  The video briefly touches on this event – but I sense something significant to this occurrence….

WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WORLD on August 3-5, 2021?🔴Dixie Fire has grown in size🔴 Deadly flood in India

Just had the nudge to gematria MAYOTTE ISLAND.  Let’s see what aligns:

Event (that was the first one listed)

Release The Kraken

Perfect Storm

Flip The Switch

Divine Alignment





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.