Schumann wave of last night – and my strange experience – plus POTUS/FLOTUS dream….OH MY!


That interesting wave pattern on the Schumann I shared late last night continued for awhile.  After I linked that and went to bed, I had the most bizarre experience within my body (mind included).  I’ve never had anything like it and it went on for about 30 minutes (until I finally fell asleep).  As I lay down, I began to feel something pulling on and within and around me.  I have tried to come up with words and all I can say to describe it is it felt as though parts of me were merging together.  I say that because I had a growing sense of “EVERYTHING feels foreign to me”.  I have had those moments here and there but NOTHING like this.  It was intense – borderline overwhelming.  The human me now – with memories of this experience in this dimension – knew who I was and who my family/friends are – so THAT didn’t feel foreign.  However, another version of me came through and THAT is the element of me that felt the “this feels very foreign” experience.  I hope that makes sense.  It was beyond bizarre and I lay there trying to figure out just what the “f” was happening to me.  I knew enough to just allow it but I gotta say the anxiety I felt was powerful.  It felt like it was a part OF me but also separate.

So I lay there and shook for what felt like a very long time – unable to fall asleep – wondering if I would wake up feeling the same.  I am relieved to say I feel “normal”.

So something indeed happened and as I said my best guess is more fractalized me’s merged.  And it is no coincidence this happened during that strange wave pattern on the schumann (see below).

I then went on to have a very long dream about Trump and Melania.  I was first speaking with Trump – he was visiting some school.  I spoke with him about the tech.  I was pleading with him in a way – speaking purely from my heart.  He listened and exhibited both deep compassion/understanding but also reservation.  The feeling I received from him was more than anything else he wants us all liberated and there was timing involved in order to do so.  In short – he understood and validated my desire and had to also remain grounded/firm in sticking with the plan as to not ruin the roll out/release.  I thanked him then walked around some more, stopping at a table where Melania was sitting.

Her energy was amazing – A M A Z I N G.  Pure.  Grace.  Powerful in a very non-threatening/non-intimating way.  The epitomy of the goddess energy. She invited me to sit down and asked to see my hand.  She smiled the whole time – gently and just as gently she took my hand and palm up, analyzed it. She pointed to my life line and said this:  “See that life line?  Very long and very powerful.  You are a very powerful Being.  Embrace that.”  I thanked her and knew it was time to leave – even though I could have been around her energy forever.  I woke up and could feel the experience.  I felt into my own longing to be around other women who carry that same energy as well as my own deep longing to have that unconditionally loving mother/goddess energy for that little girl within.

I’ve got the power – a phrase that began going through my mind in recent days.  I do.  And I long to share it and have the experience shared back. Mutually wonderful.

I am still waiting on this promised bottle of CBD oil.  The woman did not write back and I have contacted her again to see what’s up with no response. I am out of the bottle I purchased back in early February and this month am not able to afford to buy another.  If you wish to help contribute to that, please follow the paypal link below.  Or if you are interested in one of the Triskelion necklaces, let me know.  I am also including a few sample photos. The metals used are silver, brass and copper – the necklace mediums are chain, cording, fabric tubing and ribbon.  Sizes range from 16-24″ with the average being 18″.  Pricing is $30 for the chains, $25 for the rest.  I was gifted over 50 so there is a very good selection/variety.


Much love to you all.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.