Schumann’s Serious Spike

Editor’s note:  Lifted this off of my facebook page.  I can’t verify if this is accurate. However, according to the graph included, there was indeed a spike.  Even though I had some very uncomfortable moments today, I did have a moment or two of absolute bliss that was very noticeable.  As I have seen some write about this whole process ~ at times we are rather bi-polar.  lol  Aye, go with it, I hear and let us Bloom into our Wholeness.  


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Just a few hours ago, the natural frequency of our Earth, or the Schumann Resonance, hit it’s highest recorded value, ever. This is the natural heartbeat of our planet that all biological life entrains to.

Normally this frequency has hovered around 7-8Hz since it was discovered in 1953. Over the past couple years, it has been increasing. In 2014, it would start spiking to 14-16Hz on certain days. Last year, we would see it hit 30-40Hz.

Today it shot up to 90Hz. “Yuuuge spike!”

Scientific analysis shows that our brainwaves will entrain to these frequencies. By definition, entrainment is “to draw along with or after oneself.” So essentially, the Earth is shifting higher, and drawing our minds along with it.

Ironic that this spike was on the symbolic date of Easter. We are co-creatively resurrecting the Christ Consciousness upon our planet.

That’s a pretty important thing, just wanted to let you know.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.