distraction or something to ponder… Â the 144,000 reference is interesting for sure…
The Simpsons TV show has been credited with predicting numerous future events including the presidency of Donald Trump, 9/11, Ebola virus, Higgs boson discovery, Cern/Shiva statute and much much more.
During the first week in April my guidance informed me that something BIG was going to occur on 14 April 2018 due to the very powerful portal code of 14/4/11 i.e. 9/11 day. When this guidance was also verified by an alternative Pleiadian prediction I posted about it on my FB page.
On that day something BIG did happen, the bombing on Syria!!! OMG the pleiadians were correct.
Later that same day I was guided to watch a particular Simpsons episode on youtube and to my surprise it showed a US plane bombing Syria, the very day that it actually ocurred which gave me tingles. (I also posted this on FB too)
Yet another Simpsons prediction had come to fruition.
How is it, that the Simpsons have made so many accurate predictions?
Various theories exist including;
1. The Simpsons scripts plant seeds into the minds of the collective viewers that energize that possibility through the Law of Attraction creating that reality.
2. The perpetrators of these events are writing the scripts and giving us a preview of their intended actions.
3. That Matt Groening (the creator of The Simpsons) is a time traveller
When I was guided to these Simpsons episodes I was also shown an episode where the Simpsons family experiences THE RAPTURE. As I love uncovering keys and codes to unravel the bigger picture, my curiosity was piqued to investigate further.
Here is what I discovered;
Homer was carrying a blackboard with various numbers on it that he was calculating the date of the event. My eyes were drawn to the last 2 lines showing the 144,000 code as well as the last line which reads
-0 = 3:15, 05/19
0 symbolizes union with God/Source
The 05/19 could mean the 5th month i.e. May, 2019 however I believe it is referring to the 19th of the 5th month, which is 19th of May! The 3:15 could indicate the time of the event happening at 3:15 pm.
I checked my calendar to decode the energy of this day and was startled by what I had just realized.
SATURDAY MAY 19TH, 2018 is a VERY IMPORTANT DAY because a very important GLOBAL EVENT will occur on that day, upon which BILLIONS of people will be focused.
What is that EVENT????
The ROYAL WEDDING of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle! Our collective planetary focus will be on love, romance and union. Perhaps this energetic focus and expansion of our heart chakras will be the impetus or spark that unleashes the “rapturous wave” upon our planet.
Who knows? It seems as good a day as any!
Perhaps the traditional “Royal kiss” on the balcony of Buckingham Palace will occur at 3:15 pm initiating this global wave of love!
It is interesting to note that when the funeral of Princess Diana occurred on 6 September 1997 a huge wave of grief and compassion engulfed the planet causing a spike in the schumann resonance, responsible for an evolutionary shift in consciousness. This spike also occurred after 9/11 validating the notion that human emotions affect the Earth’s electromagnetic grid. Thus when billions of people on this planet are focused on one event and expressing the same collective emotion, we can EXPECT another HUGE shift in consciousness.
I am sure the energy of Princess Diana, the Queen of Hearts will be very prevalent on this occasion.
NOTE: It is estimated that the global television viewing audience for the Royal Wedding will be at least 1.5 billion people which is approx. 20% of the world’s population.
Ooooh I just realized another clue, the Simpsons depict the rapture over a church – the wedding chapel for the Royal Wedding!!!!.
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, whether this resonates, or alternative theories on this code.
Video URL: https://www.msn.com/…/billions-expected-to-watch…/vi-AAwCg00