Snopes & AP Suddenly Quit As Facebook Fact-Checkers


like a little child gettin’ caught wiff its widdle hands in the cookie jar….good news….and google plus is going away – quite suddenly – by march…


Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
Two of Facebook’s four fact checkers, Snopes and the Associated Press, have abruptly ended their fact-checking relationship with the social media giant. In a Friday press release, Snopes said that it had “elected not to renew our partnership with Facebook,” and while declining to reveal specifics, added that “Forgoing an economic opportunity is not a decision that we or any other journalistic enterprise can take lightly.”

While Snopes initially agreed to fact check for free, they eventually accepted $100,000 for its fact-checking services last year.

The announcement comes on the heels of a December report that the two-year relationship between Facebook and its fact checkers was in disarray.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.