Some Solid Proof Showing The Corruption of Religion Going Back to the 1st Century


Religion is another tool of the deep state.  The bible is a bastardized, dumbed-down version of the original Scrolls ~ which are still to this day not fully revealed.  What would you say if I were to tell you Jesus was an alien?  He came in a craft.  Angels are also et’s.

When you worship you give your power away to the dark entities who have, along w/the cabal and deep state, kept us controlled and enslaved while feeding on our energies of fear.

Want to escape that?  Let your church be the heart and beauty and love within.  Make the Divine within your Temple.

When you watch this video, you may also get some inner thoughts going on why Trump has decided to recognize Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel.  I don’t “feel” this is about Israel.  There is a deeper meaning to this.  Many of these hidden scrolls are hidden under the Dome of the Mosque in Jerusalem.

As I say, be like toto.  When you see a green curtain, do more than look at it. Pull it back.


The Dead Sea Scrolls Secrets That You Were Never Meant to See

Published on Nov 30, 2017

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.