On This Solstice (Soul-stice) Evening 2017…


Life has pretty much forced me to go within the past 48 hours.  My little one came down with some virus and has been pretty couch-ridden as well as quiet.  It’s strange to have the house so silent.

All day I have thought and felt ~ what does this day mean to me?  In years past I didn’t give it much thought.  In my younger years, I would go to a friends house and have grilled salmon and drink the local holiday batch of Widmer Beer (it was nice to have friends who knew the Widmer Brother’s). Given my friend was an avid fisherman, the Winter Solstice was a grand day as it signaled the slow return of longer days, thus longer time spent fishing.

Becoming a parent, I was happy to see the day arrive as it meant those longer, light-filled days were beginning thus more time spent playing outside.  (a big deal when you are a parent)

This year though I desired to find the “meaning”.  Solstice, derived from sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still).  In pondering that, I hear the following words…

Oh though the noise
of my beautiful human brain
calls to me to listen
to yet another story
I hear a Higher calling.

Beyond my comprehension
and yet familiar to my heart
it speaks in simplicity.

Be still and feel.
Go within and hear.
For there is the wisdom of All.

And just as nature quiets herself
this time of year
so too much I.

For there
in the silence
I find my own Soul-stice.


Image result for happy winter solstice image

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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