Some CV19 humor….


Inspired by Sister D….

The covid virus is so smart – you are immune from it if you are rioting.

The covid virus is so smart – you can’t catch it if you are surrounded by members of BLM, ANTIFA and the Demoncrat party.

The covid virus is so smart – you won’t catch it if you are 6′ away from someone.  But if you get 5′ 11″ from someone, WATCH OUT!

The covid virus is so smart – you are far more likely to catch it if you if you are in a Blue state.  Red states?  Nah, them energies protect you.

The covid virus is so smart- you are immune from it shopping at Walmart. But go to your sister’s wedding?  WATCH OUT!

The covid virus is so smart – it has confused people into being so afraid of standing close to someone they don’t know because they may have it – BUT once they take off that mask they think is keeping themselves and others safe they toss it into an ordinary garbage can or on the street (yes – here in town – masks on the street) leaving it for others to touch/clean up (and remember – according to these people the CV can linger in the air or on surfaces for hours if not days.  Maybe weeks or months).

You see – that dang virus is so smart it has turned ordinarily intelligent humans into stupid, lazy, frightened, easily controlled animals who have allowed the government to dictate their movement, allowed the system to cancel their gatherings, travel and activities and who think a cloth mask will keep them and others safe from a virus that has over 99% survival rate and a treatment.

Welcome to 2020.  The year when people lost their ability to THINK and didn’t even know it.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.