Some early day Finds for this last day of October ~ 2022



Asia and Europe are showing d.con 2….still not convinced the public would be shown the actual threat level though so I take that into consideration…..including what is shared below……….





17 drop from November 5 2017 said Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage.  The fact that the “t” in “tues” was lower case is an indicator to me they were referring to mid-terms………..


It’s called artificial propping……….fake, fake fake world………..went for a drive over the weekend and was thinking how many years they’ve been keeping this fake a$$ system afloat – I saw it 20 years ago……….


Are [they] going to do everything [they] can to artificially prop up the stock market until 11.8?









Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Some early day Finds for this last day of October ~ 2022”

  1. If “elections” ($ell-ections) are held tomorrow, as it looks like they will be, to me that’s a glaring smack in the face that “the plan” was just another psyop, and there won’t be justice for the $ell-ection of 2020, let alone anything else. Wasn’t there some date in September where they said it was the cutoff for legal justice for that, and the evidence would be destroyed? Did anything ever happen with that? If it did, I haven’t heard about it. Just another nothing burger, I guess. Like the med beds, nesara, ascension/exit, etc. It’s been over a DECADE and the big names are still giving the same tired excuses as they were in 2010-12 about the same damn topics and saying “soon, trust, be patient, it’s war, no one knows the hour, don’t ask when.” Are ya kidding me?? Gawd. ENOUGH already. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I agree with previous post that this “plan” has gone on too long and allowed too much collateral damage to be considered benevolent (or if so, effective). Maybe it’s real and they’re trying. I don’t know. But I’m not holding my breath either. As of now, it would take a miracle to make me believe in anything.

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