Some finds ~ 11.16.24


grumpy cranky today – the weather has been cold and rainy and gray – for weeks – with brief captures of the sun on a few days.  Then having to do laundry for another cold season here – hauling buckets of hot water outside to the cold damp garage – walking in the cold rain.  Lovely lovely lovely.  Literally I am half the phrase chop wood/carry water.  Now when it’s sunny, dry and warm, it’s not really a bother.  But days like today?  Yeah – I am too “mature” and worthy for this sheot.  ABUNDANCE FOR ALL NOW GD’it!

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Thank you to those who do visit, see, comment – give me some sort of acknowledgement/energy exchange.  Although the commenting could use some boosting.  Lately it’s been nothing but russian gibberish.  🙄😂







Slow arse drip to collapse……….


Can we just have clean, advanced tech already?


Any of you back east noticing this?


Another thing for Elon to monitor:


Oh yes – reflecting on Elon.  He seems to be doing far too many things that would be impossible for one human to do.  He’s clearly a robot – or clone – or both –  likely robotic – just more than one.  Oh well – I guess if AI was used against us, it can be used for it, right?





Yep – and given what I saw on x that I will not share here but it was a video post-fight of Tyson walking away w/just his jockstrap on – public humiliation ritual.  I also heard he said he has a biting fetish.




The level of stupid now is unreal…..  So ready for this reality to conform to what I/We want/need.












China’s latest artificial sun launches new round of physical experiments, incorporating ‘super eye’ for the first time






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.