I had an interesting dream this morning. It was brief – at least the image I received – which was of myself, I felt. I saw myself sitting inside some craft – at the control panel. It was a sideview glance. I had long reddish/blonde hair, which was in one long braid – not the first time I have “seen” myself in some other experience like this. It was interesting. I also felt flashes of images were taking place – and felt a connection again to the experience I had almost 12 years ago – July ’09 and seeing that object in the night sky that “spoke” to me telepathically -calling me by name to first get me out of the house then second, saying “see you soon”. Yadda yadda – I have shared how that impacted me – first thought was “us from the future”. So given all of the synchs with Back to the Future lately and all of the intel showing a big part of this plan – a necessary component – is time travel – I feel something is lining up now. Later in the shower portal, I felt something is lining up a completion point – from that experience I had some 12 years ago. I am feeling very much the same as I was back then – you could say exactly. Trying to find distraction where I can. Feeling very stuck – not knowing what to do different – just that I needed something to come along. At times desperate for guidance – a sign.
So…..Here is what I am feeling all this means: For me, back in July 2009, some timeline “collapsed” – putting me on the one I have been on since. And now? That is about to merge with the part of me that is either on the outside, in some other timeline or experience. I can’t put it into words – because they aren’t really suitable or being put together. I just have that hunch that there is something lining up with time travel, timelines, my experience back then and where I am today.
That’s all I have atm.
Here are some finds…
First the schumann. BTW…the dream experience I had this morning occurred during the latest white out.
DC closing up shop? Frog News Channel touched on this last night….This could, however, be due to CV so not going to jump up and down on this….
Keep seeing tweets about something big about to go down in DC. Military being moved in, Black hawks flying overhead and office buildings closing. Is this just Bullshit?
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) June 16, 2021
BREAKING: Arizona Audit Update — Paper Ballot Evaluation Process Will FINISH IN 10 DAYS OR LESS
This whole thing has fallen apart….
Arizona Governor Ducey Signs EO: No Mandatory Vaccines On Campus – But Is There A Catch?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill Prohibiting Government From Closing Places of Worship
Every parent needs to see this one…..No virus (isn’t it supposed to catch the dreaded virus??) – but every other disgusting bacterium and fungi you DO NOT want your children to be breathing. WHERE IS THE LOGIC? Oh that’s right – there isn’t any. I’m still on the lookout for it around these parts….
Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks To a Lab….The Results Are Sick!
Thanks to Bryan for posting this one in the comment section. The video of the Courageous Warrior who tackled one of those “lady in red” satanists in Cornwall last week.
Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Ban on Oil, Gas
UPdate from Project Veritas:
As you’ve probably seen by now, Fox 26 Insider Ivory Hecker’s story has had a huge impact across social media and on the news.
On Twitter alone, Ivory’s video blowing the whistle on-air while reporting for Fox 26 has been seen OVER TWO MILLION TIMES.

Even the Mainstream Media couldn’t ignore this story.
Look at just a few of the outlets that covered it so far:

It’s incredible to see how Ivory’s courage led to this much attention. It is catalyzing more Media Insiders to come forward to Project Veritas as we speak.
To no one’s surprise, Fox 26 issued the following statement as an attempt to justify what Hecker exposed:

That statement is factually incorrect.
Ivory was not a “former employee” when she went on LIVE TELEVISION to make her announcement. She was very much employed when she came to Project Veritas to tell her story.
Also, can Fox 26 explain what they mean by “selective editing” and “misrepresentation”? Talk is cheap, I wonder if they’re able to back up their allegations with any sort of evidence.
Putting the negative attacks aside, I want to thank everyone in The Veritas Army for supporting Ivory on the Christian crowdfunding website GiveSendGo.
She has raised OVER $135,000 ALREADY! It’s thanks to people like you, Victoria, that this happened for her.
If you’d like to support Ivory, you can donate to her here:
These last few days have been truly amazing. Corporate media has been exposed.
Stay tuned as more Brave Insiders will be going public imminently…
From 2 years ago. Timelines, you say? Two into one, you say? Are we now there? Is it knocking? Can we hear it?
A friend of mine just dm’d me from Florida. He is a Patriot that sees clearly. I also had another Anon in Georgia say the same thing tonight that they have huge planes flying over. Not normal for either.
i will only post the truth that i verify. I do not know what this means but they both say not normal.
God Bless
Trump gives exclusive reaction to Biden’s ‘weak’ performance on the world stage
Return of Q?
‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 2 Trailer Shows Fan-Favorite Q’s Return I THR News
Military excercise in morocco- jets scrambled over hawaii
More time travel goodies:
The Time Travel Miracle is More Than Q+ (5 of 7)
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[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]
Well, two things came to mind for me in your post today.
First , when you were in a ship and at the controls..reminded me of a ‘dream’ I had about 25 years ago..so, real today still.
I lived on a dead end road at the time and the land backed up to the national forest so, it was isolated. .that is not in the dream that was real for me at the time of the dream,but in this location in the dream a ‘craft’ landed at the dead end.
I was on board that craft and people were coming on board there was a small line of people coming on board..and my duty was to calm people. People were taken into rooms on the craft, not to have test or anything nefarious, they were just being checked out to make sure they were okay physically for the ‘journey’ . People were not too freaked out it was just a process and I remember just being there to comfort and be calm for them to reassure they were safe…then the dream ended.
I remember waking and feeling like it was real.(this was 25 years ago , so, the idea about light workers are going to have to be calm and comforting for those who are not ‘aware’ of many things going on now in this time…well, hmmmm is all I can say)
The other post about time traveling man. I am not sure where this fits into to time travel,but I was so odd to me. I lived in a town before where I am now. I lived there for 26 years and in all that time people..strangers ..came up to me and would say things like, ‘oh, you are the new neighbor who moved a few houses from me.”…well, no that was not me..or “I saw you at the blah blah” … nope not me…this went on for 26 years..the last one was a month before I left that small mountain town in Colorado..and this woman came up to me in the grocery store..standing about a foot away from me and asked me what I thought of the knitting class last night?The fact she was standing so close and the fact that it was a knitting class which must not have been big…well, wow…again..nope it was not me.
Okay, I have an unusual look about me at the time my hair was black brown and long and parted in the middle and I have a very high ..I mean very high and open forehead..unusual..and yet people kept ‘seeing’ me at various things and situations..not only that people ..strangers were coming up to me to speak about it..odd in itself.
I never saw the other me…I only hoped living in such a small town that she was behaving herself.
I know it’s not really time travel,but it made me wonder about the phrase people used to casually speak ..”Oh, everyone has a double’..so, odd those times for me..well, the other me likes to knit I guess..:),but what are the odds of a ‘double ‘ living in a small mountain town..and that we never met..how weird would that have been…
i have always been fascinated with the whole “everyone has a double”. i’ve encountered that here where i live – first time was in the late 80’s when some guy came up to me at a party – called me “linda” and said how much he missed me. wtf? i told him my name and that i had no idea who he was. he didn’t believe me. so then he insisted i had a sister. nope – no sister. it wasn’t until my boyfriend came over and backed up who i really was. the guy wasn’t some jerk trying to make the moves on me either – he was truly baffled that i was not “linda” because he said i had a twin in town. several years ago someone thought i was someone else and was almost as insistent and commented on the “twin” thing. perhaps you will find your double – or maybe you have already merged. any hankering for knitting? 🙂
Here are More ‘Red Robed Ceremonial Magicians’ from the London Climate Change (54:45 mark)
& Right Afterwards, Sadhguru gives one the blinding wisdom (insert sarcasm) that “You don’t need values, ethics, morals, nothing.” The Demons are lost in Solipsism.