Some intel on the chemtrail program


wow…..i knew of the agenda but i had always wondered why the cabal/controller’s would spray the air that they breathed as well.  with the entities they served and with the entities that possessed many of them if not all, that chemical concoction being sprayed was something they were neutral to – and in fact perhaps even needed for survival (speaking of the entities) and now that this is being reversed the air will be unhealthy to these entities…  is this possible?  is this truth?  i’m having a possible mind blown moment here so will have to process.  anyway – i recently discovered Paula via the sainted anon.  she does wonderful work.  please let me know what you think/feel after reading through some of these pieces she passed along tonight.  an awesome thread – go to the highlighted SOURCE to read all of her drops….






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Some intel on the chemtrail program”

  1. Makes sense to me. Sit back and enjoy the show! Also, I came this link serial rocks/post-180, via Incarnated_et Twitter, says how T took control of the chemtrails…

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