Some more finds for 11.17.21…..



I would think anyone with a working brain would say “uh, ok, never mind” and get the he!! outta there…..instead people just stand there – and one new guy even shows up and gets in line….


An oldie – but goodie.  I remember this one….

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'DOQ @doqholliday What if we all knew each other before we were born? (we did) What if some of us worked on something that would come to fruition at this specific time? (we did) What if some of us our now recognizing that? (we are) What if you were meant to be a part of this? (you are) 10:15 PM 2020/06/19 Twitter for'



Ok as my mate just said “just do it already”.  AGREED!  I also have a feeeeel it may be more than just information “flood”…..

…drip, Drip, FLOOD.



Saw this one.  The Hopi Prophecy talking about the destruction of the 4th world.  Wormwood is spoken of in the book of revelations (comes in like a thief in the night – blue in color – and hits the earth and poisons most of the water).  Rose has spoken of how we are about to enter the 5th book of life.

All of the above – bothers me.  I have felt that the Native’s worshipped false gods.  Any cataclysm is obviously “their” agenda.  And this book of life – has never aligned with me.  It feels like just another matrix narrative. She has also spoken of eventually we go back under the veil – which also feels very matrix-like to me and doesn’t align at all.  I would never consent to that – and yet that’s just how it is as it’s the “law”.

Not my law.  And that is my right to say “no”.  It’s called F R E E D O M.

I consent to one thing only:  FREEDOM – which includes my RIGHT to CREATE FREELY.  I want to REMEMBER.  I want my FULL POWER RESTORED.  Everything that has been hidden from me, I want returned.  I want to know where I am.  WHEN I am.  WHO exactly I am.  And what happened that I ended up here.  Anyone attempting to silence me or power over me and say “you cannot know that” for x y z reasons is working for the “enemy” – certainly against freedom.  Everything I stated is in my absolute right and I honor that same right for every. one. of. you.  That is what love does.  That is what DECENCY does.  That is called respect.  Honor.  Truth.  Divine.  Anything speaking otherwise is working for the enemy.  No more pussy-footing around.  It’s either Love or it something else and I want no part of that something else.  If this is a Divine Plan – Love will mirror that enemy’s plan for us back on them.  THEY get the biblical ending they have created who knows how many hijacked life cycles.

Moving on…




I love this and it may be my favorite find today.  A REAL WARRIOR KNOWS HOW TO HOLD SPACE.  That is where REAL strength comes from.

No photo description available.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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