Some Songs and Intuits to KEEP US GOING



It’s messy out there – and inside the mind/body too.

I’ve spoken with many of you’s and others today and the collective feels are DONE with some rage or absolute exhaustion from being smacked down and around by this dayem b.s. ridiculously STEWPID reality and all of its little pathetic dweebie systems.  I was in that particular space more than once today (the melting down and dear god jesus i cannot take one. more. moment. of this).  And the moments I was in – for myself that is – at that time – was something I knew was old and dying and to let. it. f’ing. go.  Let it GO and let others just BE –  young and old.  Either we’re getting away or out or whatever you want to call the end of and from the old systems or we’re not and if we’re not then we’re all fooked so it means letting go of the OLD crap doesn’t put us in any worse of a situation BY letting go because doing so – what have we got to lose?

Not a dayem thing from my perspective atm (which has been up and down today).

Did that make sense?

Feel like you’re losing it?

You are not alone.

Feel apathetic and just want to give up?

You are not alone.

Feel like you honestly truly cannot. take. one. more. moment. of fill in the blank whatever that is for you?

You are not alone.

Feel like burning the whole f’ing place down?

You are not alone.

Feel like flying away screaming and crying and feeling relief at the same time?

You are not alone.

Feeling amazing and blissful?

Get the hell off my page you freak.  lol  Just kidding.

Humor saves me some days.

Speaking of humor – I read this article about gaslighting and the phrases we should never say as they indicate gaslighting.

I read them – and kept thinking “ok I say that – most everyone in my tribe says that” and realized the article was likely written by matrix AI evil who doesn’t want us calling out its bullying bullsheot domineering crap.

Because when we stand UP to what is unjust and controlling we CAN sound like we are engaged in gaslighting 101.

So all of the old ways and narratives including psychological conditions and “expert” opines on said ways no. longer. matter because they were part OF it here.

So let’s keep it simple.  Be kind.  But don’t take sheot.

And be honest and authentic with yourself and one another.

Baby yourself.  Love yourself.  Accept yourself.  (yeah talking to myself mostly here because to be honest i am not taking the kind of care of myself as i want to need to and should be – and ain’t no one gonna do that but ME)

ME FIRST.  Everything else can wait for now.

Here are some songs.




Anyone else so done with seeing commercials such as this one in the video below?  Women who pretend to be presenting one thing when they’re really flaunting body parts and youth and whatever else to make $$ or garner attention (also the type to go to a party with you and ditch you for the first cute male who gives them attention – anyone else have that happen during the teens and early adulthood years?  i was always the wallflower – didn’t blossom until later in adulthood)  At least be honest about it, you know?  Gawd dang –  I just cannot energetically tolerate fake and lies anymore – most especially within my own inner world/box.  Today I had a moment where I said – out loud – something I’ve wanted to say for 20 years and I noticed when it came out, the energy was in a particular part of my body that’s been giving me issues for many years.  Truth – when withheld for years or decades – doesn’t always come out so pretty.  It’s messy.  But necessary in these moments.  Now it all feels messy.  Trying to find the necessary healing deep within the moments of messy – such as please don’t hurt me please don’t take advantage of me please don’t abandon me or neglect me or yell at me or hurt me – please just listen to me and hear me.  That’s what pains all come down to.






This song has been in my mind and heart consistently the last few days……..

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.